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Trump threatens lawyers, donors and election officials with prison for 'unscrupulous behavior' (Jillian Frankel/NBC News)……

in reply to Low Quality Facts

"What made you think to hire an assistant?"
"It was elementary, Watson. I needed you."

#TodayinSpyHistory - On September 7, 1978, dissident Georgi Markov was attacked by the KGB with the Bulgarian umbrella.

The KGB used an umbrella like this—modified to fire a tiny pellet filled with poison—to assassinate Markov on the streets of London.

See the Bulgarian Umbrella on display in this Museum's "Covert Action" gallery.


The outer and inner 50km of depth into the Sphere was essentially solid, but past that, the other 9,900km were filled with thousands of layers of openings.


Meet Fiorstlo, child of Nicor and Findy.
They are a Generation 9 fractal.
They like sharp fractals.

If this flame is beautiful, ⭐ or boost this post to improve its chances for future breedings.

in reply to Roland Häder

@roland — “A hit dog gonna holler, that's it. Whoever feel it, feel it.” — Megan Thee Stallion.

The greatest thing about memes are that they are like Rorschach ink blot tests and you’ll project your politics and psychology onto the meme.

I typically would say that you “outed” yourself but that may be more on point in this case. I feel really sad that you’ve been socialized to hate yourself this way because you’re so far in the closet, and my heart aches for your situation . 😢

in reply to Church of Jeff

@Church of Jeff In other words, you are trolling with your "meme".

By the way: "Love is love", they used to say. So water is water, too!

I never really liked the ergonomics of #python and I still find its ecosystem rather average.

But, now that I have aged and now way more about languages, I have to admit just how much guido and the community did right and how much the language structure gently nudges you towards writing simple robust code

Earlier in my career I didn’t understand why python was evolving so slowly, now I do. Because there is very little that is actually broken in python

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Even mechanisms from the time before the oceans drowned Atlantis may be resurrected, although one must carefully consider the consequences. #Linux #OpenSource…

There's *another* active shooter situation in the US. Local residents are being advised to pray.

Here's a pic of a religious leader showing how much he trusts in prayer as regards shooters.


Merz erzählt überall, unter der den Grünen sei die Industrieproduktion Deutschlands eingebrochen. Das ist Trump-esquer Shit! Der Industrie-Output knickte schon 2017, also unter CDU-SPD-Regierung. Für weitere Analysen: Wirtschaftsminister*in damals: Sigmar Gabriel und Brigitte Zypries (beide SPD).

"Trois travailleurs canadiens sur cinq sont fortement exposés aux effets de l’intelligence artificielle, et la moitié d’entre eux courent le risque d’être simplement remplacés par la machine. Et contrairement à l’automatisation, ces effets se font surtout sentir chez les plus instruits qui accomplissent des tâches cognitives non routinières."…