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One of the most popular news pieces on Russian TV now is Ukrainian thermite drones from Ukrainian soldiers of the Khorne Group unit of the 116th Separate Mechanized Brigade.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO

Glyn Moody reshared this.

in reply to Aure Free Press :verified:… Ukraine can do whatever they like in their own country. If there are Russians at the receiving end, they should see it as a good reason to go home. Russia has used similar tactics for a long time, but that was on Ukrainian soil. That is criminal.

Well done, people, we’ve now reached the medieval theology stage of AI regulation.

Knivdåd i Hässelby med högerextrema kopplingar. En 14-årig pojke har omhändertagits som misstänkt för flera knivattacker på äldre personer i Hässelby, Stockholm. Han är misstänkt för ett mordförsök på en man i 80-årsåldern i Hässelby. Troligen är han också misstänkt ett annat mordförsök på en kvinna i 50-årsåldern i samma område.…

closing in on the longest 33 minutes of my whole life.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

@Gargron oh yes, I do too miss the physical process very much. I never experienced the adaptive choral/rising soundtrack natively (can't remember now what conditions had to be met,) but every time I think about it/hear it, I get immediately emotional remembering how purely/wholesomely exciting consumer technology was going to be.

...and later, guilty, because I absolutely got to live that genuinely democratizing/freely educating moment and was given *so* much more than I've put back in.


"The IDF attacked the launchers from which launches were made towards the Galilee area this morning and towards the Upper Galilee during the night"
- IDF Spokesman

In addition, Air Force fighter jets attacked earlier today the launcher from which the launches were carried out towards the Upper Galilee during the night and a military structure in the area of ​​Kafr Roman in southern Lebanon.

IDF attacked with artillery fire in several areas in southern Lebanon.

Commit by Theo de Raadt: Everything is different now with OpenBSD

OpenBSD founder Theo de Raadt replaces a data file – and thus the last unchanged part of the original OpenBSD disappears.…

#Betriebssystem #BSD #OpenSource #Unix #news

Commit von Theo de Raadt: Bei OpenBSD ist jetzt alles anders

OpenBSD-Gründer Theo de Raadt ersetzt eine Datendatei – und damit verschwindet der letzte bislang unveränderte Part aus dem ursprünglichen OpenBSD…

#Betriebssystem #BSD #OpenSource #Unix #news