What an incredible talk! 🙌
Huge thanks to Constanze Kurz for sharing your valuable findings with us in the keynote "Mass surveillance: The haystack has only grown bigger".
BBC - Last Night of the Proms 2024
Orchestre Symphonique de la BBC
Sakari Oramo : Direction musicale
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Yangon, #Myanmar
People search for plastic bottles and recyclable material at a waste dump next to the Yangon River.
Photograph: Sai Aung Main/AFP/Getty Images
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The post Bei der U18-Wahl stürzen die Grünen um unglaubliche 28,2 Prozentpunkte ab appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press
Roland Häder likes this.
Khan Younis, #Gaza
Children walk past destroyed buildings as they head to class. According to the Palestinian education ministry, more than 650,000 students in Gaza are being deprived of their right to education for the second academic year in a row.
Photograph: Haitham Imad/EPA
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Schließlich brauchen wir das Geld für die E-Fuels-Subventionen:
Wie die Batterieforschung ausgebremst wird
Ab dem kommenden Jahr werden keine neuen
Batterieforschungsprojekte mehr durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
(BMBF) gefördert. Das bestätigte das FDP-geführte Ministerium in dieser Woche gegenüber einigen Medien wie auch ZDFheute.
Never forget: das beste Symbolfoto für konservative Politik und Hochwasser in Österreich.
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
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Buenos Aires, #Argentina
Police detain a protester during a demonstration against President Javier Milei’s veto of a pension rise.
Photograph: Rodrigo Abd/AP
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Nationaloper Warschau
Stanisław Moniuszko
„Straszny Dwór“ („Das Gespensterschloss“),
Europa Galante
Leitung: Fabio Biondi
classicalmusic group reshared this.
Chiang Rai, #Thailand
Central Investigation Bureau personnel help residents during flooding in the aftermath of Typhoon Yagi.
Photograph: Central Investigation Bureau/EPA
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Nextcloud 📱☁️💻
in reply to Nextcloud 📱☁️💻 • • •Can’t make it to Nextcloud Community Conference this year? No worries - catch the livestream here ⤵️