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The post Flüchtlingsheim statt KiTa: Bürger in Kirchheim empört appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press
Exploiting CVE-2024-26581: use-after-free in Linux kernel nftables subsystem
Warble is a word guessing game with multiple difficulty levels. A free and open source game
Install: RPM, Flatpak and Snap packages
#linux #game #linuxgame #OpenSource #review
Full Circle Weekly News #383…
"I have not told half of what I saw."
Italian merchant and explorer Marco Polo was born #OTD in 1254.
He is best known for his extensive travels through Asia, particularly for his time spent at the court of Kublai Khan, the Mongol ruler and founder of the Yuan dynasty in China. His journeys were recorded in the book The Travels of Marco Polo (also known as Book of the Marvels of the World and Il Milione, c. 1300).…
Marco Polo at PG:…
Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖ reshared this.
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When we read about the events at the Fediforum
or listen to the talks at the "Berliner #Fediverse Tag"…
we hear a lot about what FEDI apps may be able to do for us tomorrow.
Doing so i wonder if it is known what #Hubzilla #^ can do for us TODAY.
The post Baerbocks Beute appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press
🌞 El mayor barrio solar de Europa está en Rivas Vaciamadrid: esto es lo que pagan por la luz.
512 vecinos de una urbanización han constituido #LaPabloRenovable, una comunidad energética única.
Pero denuncian que Total Energies, Repsol, Endesa y Naturgy actúan con mala fe.
Por el contrario, casi todas las personas que están con Som Energia ya tienen su contrato de autoproducción activado 💪
#Madrid #Energía #Solar #Autoconsumo #Comunidad #Renovables #RivasVaciamadrid…
Britischer Abschaum: Die Agenten Ihrer Majestät in Moskau… – Nachrichten unzensiert
Britischer Abschaum: Die Agenten Ihrer Majestät in Moskau
In Russland wird der Abbruch der diplomatischen Beziehungen zu Großbritannien diskutiert. Grund ist der jüngste hochbrisante Spionage-Skandal, in den sechs britische Diplomaten verwickelt sind. von Manfred Ulex Andrei Lugowoi,
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