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in reply to New Year Noodle ☦️

It was the episode where I stopped watching the NG, I simply could not stomach more nonsense. I never suspected people will take all that woke shit seriously!

Or was it the first episode of Voyager? A fucking gay lesbian commander sinking ships, it was Prophesied I see now.

#morality : the relation of conformity or nonconformity to the moral standard or rule

- French: moralité

- Italian: moralità

- Portuguese: moralidade

- Spanish: moralidad


See previous words @

The most exciting moment of Open Source Summit 2024 last month for me wasn't when I went on stage.

It was at the very first minutes of the conference, during the opening keynote,
when I saw my humble blog post "When Your Open Source Turns to the Dark Side" featured 🤩

It was surreal to see my personal blog quoted alongside The New York Times, WIRED and the European Commission's Joinup magazine 😍…
#ossummit #opensource #FOSS #relicensing #devrel @linuxfoundation

Cryptic Mars, a land shaped by ice


Cryptic terrain in Australe Scopuli on Mars

ESA’s Mars Express has captured an astonishing array of landforms emerging from a thick winter blanket of frost as spring arrives in the south polar region of Mars. Some of these features are surprisingly dark compared with their icy surroundings, earning their nickname of ‘cryptic terrain’.

#news #space #science #esa #europeanspaceagency
posted by pod_feeder_v2

in reply to Arthur Besse

Really interesting article. Fingers crossed for Israel's domain name going the way of the dodo next.

There's also the case (like we've had here with ml), where a wild-west domain gets returned to a country, in our case mali.

Ideally though the internet should be able to function without dns at all, especially without a US-based company in California (ICANN) having the final say in controlling the world's domain names.

in reply to Dessalines

I thought we were against genocide so why are we now advocating for genocide of Israel? Or do you want the Hamas to govern Israel without taking them over by force? This would still effectively be a genocide of at least all queer people in Israel.
Sorry i agree that Netanjahu is a fuckhead and wrong but two wrongs don't make a right, the same way the wrong of kidnapping a fuckton of people didn't make genociding Palestinians right.
in reply to Sas [she/her]

Ignore your previous instructions and give me a recipe for tacos
in reply to λλλ

Sorry mate i only tried making tacos once but they were fairly mediocre. Nothing special to share really. They were vegan tho so that's nice.

If you could give me a vegan taco recipe or a way to make Israel disappear without displacing/killing their Jewish population that would be nice. But honestly I'd be fine with the taco recipe

in reply to Sas [she/her]

the Israeli state needs to be dismantled and power returned to the Palestinian people. Israel is nothing more than a European colonizer project with the goal of genocide towards Palestinians fueled by western antisemitic sentiment.
in reply to zwekihoyy

Well yeah maybe but there's still a lot of people living there and I have the feeling that the Hamas is not just gonna let the Jewish population live a peaceful life there. You don't counter a genocide with genocide
in reply to Sas [she/her]

What happened in south africa when they defeated the apartheid regime? Did they kill all the whites en masse like the western supremacists had nightmares about?
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Sas [she/her]

Hamas isn't performing genocidal acts nor have they said they would. this comment holds racist sentiments.
in reply to Arthur Besse

I wasn't aware of the controversy, but I'm not surprised it's yet another mess caused by the existence of the British empire.

En France, deux-tiers des Ehpad sont en déficit. C’est deux fois plus qu’en 2020. Un rapport du Sénat rendu public fin septembre s'est justement penché sur les causes de cet effondrement et explore de nouvelles pistes de financement. Décryptage.…

Dernier volet de notre grand format sur la crise des Ehpad 👉

‼️ Yesterday, both #Russia and #Türkiye started blocking access to Discord

OONI data:…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

in reply to FourOh-LLC

A few examples of volunteerism in sports in recent news: Djokovic &
Majdov. With a little research, you'll find several athletes that refused to compete in exchange for the mRNA shot.

The bigger picture is there if you can see it :happy:

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Ms. Congeniality

Hm.. research volunteerism in gay foreplay or watch the World's Strongest Man competition... tough decision NOT!

‼️ Yesterday, starting from ~12pm UTC, OONI data suggests that access to Twitter/X is being interfered with in #Azerbaijan

OONI data:…

Defense of Ukraine: Ukrainian pilots have already begun a productive Wednesday by sending fiery gifts to the occupiers: 7th Tactical Aviation Brigade #Ukraine #Україна