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👍 Première édition réussie du Worteks Identity Club !

Le 21 octobre dernier, nous avons eu le plaisir d'accueillir une vingtaine de personnes de 14 organisations différentes :…

🙏 Merci à tous les participants pour leur présence et leur contribution !

#OpenSource #LogicielLibre #LDAP #LTB #LDAPToolBox #SelfServicePassword #SSP #SSPR #OpenLDAP #ActiveDirectory
@ow2 @osxp_paris @lemonldapng @ltb_project @lsc_project

Tired of getting weird articles that seem reasonable, but you're not sure if they're true? It's not perfect, but I wrote a #Chrome Extension using the #Gemini API to help.

Click on the extension for any Web page and it will attempt to provide a breakdown of factual and logical errors (it does more than that).

Completely free to use. Open source. MIT license. No information is collected. Full instructions at…

#GenAI #AI #Google #OpenSource #ArtificialIntelligence

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Attal doit-il cumuler les fonctions de chef de parti et du groupe macroniste à l'Assemblée? "Il ne faut pas donner l'impression qu'on donne tous les pouvoirs à une seule personne", alerte un député macroniste sur BFM. Surtout pas... Pourtant, Macron s'en est très bien accommodé pendant 7 ans…

#Politique #Macron #Attal #Renaissance #DirectAN

#ShowerThoughts: The output of every Trained #MOLE promoted as "AI" is a hallucination. Some of the hallucinations are just more realistic than others.

If you ask them just the right question, you can get an accurate answer. Like a stopped clock, if you only ask it what time it is twice a day, at just the right times.

#AI #AIHallucinations

Ojocuidao en levante que esto no se ha terminado. Alerta roja por acumulación de 180 litros por metro cuadrado o mas hasta las dos-tres de la tarde en parte de la provincia de Castellón. Zonas de Morella, Vinaròs y Castelló de la Plana. Los alrededores y parte del sur de Catalunya, en alerta naranja también.
Mucho cuidado todo el mundo.

The Vampire Timeline

Publisher: White WolfDive deep into 128 pages of collected history of the Kindred, with dates, sometimes even specified, up to the day! [tho mostly, to the year] Get inspired by 4858 years of different events! Maybe you'll find a source of memery, maybe…

Very insightful post about the campist reactions to the invasion of Ukraine

'Project Esther': The Right-Wing Group Behind Project 2025 Has a Plan to Crack Down on America's Pro-#Palestine Movement
#Gaza #FreePalestine #uspol…

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Bom dia camarades!

Vamos falar de coisa boa? Youtool!

Uma lib #Python desenvolvida pelo pessoal da Novelo Data/Turicas que abstrai vários perrengues para acessar a API do YouTube.…

In Be Careful Who Your Friends Are, our scene is set at Lorenzo's, where Scott Jacobs invites us to an unsettling encounter.

Catch it at…

While on the @fictionable #podcast Jacobs reveals that his intriguing short story was drawn from life.

Image: Tamara Malanly

#books #reading #writing #ShortStories #fiction #comics #translation #bookstodon @bookstodon

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