In just 2 short days, #Michiganders you will hit the deadline to request your #OverseasBallot ⏰
Go to RIGHT NOW and get that request in. 🌍✉️
Get it done and make your voice heard! You got this! 💪🗳️
@KamalaHarrisWin @KamalaHQ @DemocracyMattersALot
#VoteFromAbroad #MichiganVotes #MI #Election2024 #AmericansAbroad #YourVoteMatters
Democrats Abroad reshared this.
Democrats Abroad reshared this.
🎃👻 Don't boo! Vote! 🗳️
This Halloween, let’s scare away apathy and summon some civic duty!
Get your ballot back ASAP—because the only thing that should be haunting us is our candy stash! 🍬💀
#Halloween #VoteOrTreat #HalloweenVoting #CivicSpookiness #VoteFromAbroad #AmericansAbroad #YourVoteMatters
"Jokes" about murdering Taylor Swift, calling Kamala Harris the c-word, and creepily saying he wants to "protect" women "whether the women like it or not."
Trump's closing argument is misogyny.
I explain why his campaign is going there.
reshared this
You Can Listen to a Lost Chopin Waltz That Hasn't Been Heard for Nearly Two Centuries
Posted into Smartnews @smartnews-Smithsonianmag
Exploiting Meta's Weaknesses, Deceptive Political Ads Thrived on Facebook and Instagram in Run-Up to Election (ProPublica)……
🥳Wikimédia France fête ses 20 ans🥳
👉#Souvenir7 🖐 Entre 2014 et 2016 le projet WikiCheese visait à améliorer le contenu des fromages français et d'autres pays sur les projets Wikimedia @wikipedia_fr #WMFr20ans
🧀 Pour voir tous les fromages photographiés 😋⬇️…
📷 Jean-Philippe WMFr, Coyau, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons…
I don't always adjust my slicer settings, but when I do, I prefer to use gyros infill and garlic supports.
They are "Children of the light" abd "civilized people" defending "European values" against "human animals" and "terrorists".
They don't even hide their true ugly face any more.
#Inhumanity #SaveTheChildren #Gaza #Israel #Genocide #StopIsrael #SaveGaza #SanctionIsrael
Le Corbeau = The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, illustrated by Édouard Manet and translated by Stéphane Mallarmé at PG:
The Raven illustrated by Gustave Doré:
Heidi Li Feldman reshared this.…
Timezones are weird. But only finitely so. Here's the exact conceptual model you should have of them.
DSA - Bibliographie (1984 - 1993) (PDF) als Download kaufen
Publisher: Ulisses Spiele40 Jahre Das Schwarze Auge. Das muss man sich erstmal auf der Zunge zergehen lassen. 40 Jahre ist die Welt Aventurien nun alt. Auch heute noch, im Jahre 2024, wird diese Welt bespielt, gelesen und immer weiterentwickelt. Doch viele…
Mossback Tortoise - A Unique Companion for 5e
Publisher: A4 PlayDiscover the steadfast resilience of the Mossback Tortoise, a unique companion designed for adventures in dense forests and marshy swamps. This sturdy creature, with its moss-covered shell, provides natural camouflage and incredible…
HeXXen 1733: Salento - Mysterien aus Italiens Süden (PDF) als Download kaufen
Publisher: Ulisses SpieleSalento – Wo die Erde bebt und das Böse erwacht! Die Region des Salento - der "Stiefelabsatz" Italiens - ist seit der Öffnung des Höllentors Schauplatz brutaler Kämpfe zwischen den hier heimischen Menschen und den furchtbaren…
HeXXen 1733: Im Herzen der Ewigen Stadt - Regionalia Rom (PDF) als Download kaufen
Publisher: Ulisses SpieleJahrzehntelang war Rom, die Ewige Stadt, fest im Griff von Shaitans Dämonenarmee. Bis ein mutiger junger Mann mit einigen tollkühnen Mitstreitern in die Stadt eindrang und Shaitan von seinem unheiligen Thron stieß. Gut 50 Jahre…
Publisher: Farsight GamesWORLD OF WINTER is a campaign setting for the DEEP MAGIC roleplaying game, a fantasy British Isles that never was – or is long forgotten - where magic exists and fabulous creatures abound. At this time, the generals of the Dire…

How China could revive its bruised and dwindling billionaire class
The last four years have been hard on China’s superrich and if Xi’s team doesn’t change course many more will become extinct.
How China can revive its bruised and dwindling billionaire class - Asia Times
Is the “smart” money still fleeing China? Whether it’s wise to leave Asia’s biggest economy is debatable. What’s not is that the mainland billionaireWilliam Pesek (Asia Times)
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in reply to Stéphane Bortzmeyer • • •mikeTesteLinux
in reply to Denez Van Dyck ⏚ • • •Arnaud Launay
in reply to Stéphane Bortzmeyer • • •