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A systematic analysis of neurologic manifestations of #LongCOVID in Nigeria…

"Our findings reveal the previously unrecognized occurrence of #NeuroPASC among #COVID-19 survivors in Nigeria and highlight the need for improved screening and diagnosis of Neuro-PASC in our population”

#LongCovid #PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #LC #PASC #postcovid

longcovid group reshared this.

Niet oneens met de hoofdlijn van dit artikel. Open Standaarden voor Cloud zijn belangrijk, maar niet "de" oplossing. De grote platformspelers bieden ook cloud oplossingen op basis van opensource aan maar weten dan met integratie, koppelingen en specifieke features nog voldoende "lock-in" te realiseren helaas....
Geen enkele partij kan nu het niveau van diensten verlenen zoals die van Google, Microsoft en Amazon helaas.…
#cloud #openstandaarden #overheid

🌍✉️ Have you confirmed that your #OverseasBallot has made it safely home to roost? 🗳️

Don't wait to see if it's safely nestled in the election coop! 🐔✨

Reach out to your Local Election Office today. See for more info.

@KamalaHarrisWin @KamalaHQ @DemocracyMattersALot

#VoteFromAbroad #BallotCheck #Election2024

'January 6th is going to be pretty fun': How MAGA activists are preparing to undermine the election if Trump loses (CNN)……

I just wanted to define the middle mouse button to insert clipboards content - but then I mentioned that #KDE already did that for me! 😀

What a (certainly widely known) gamechanger! 😍

And by the way: What a great #distribution KDE is day by day! 🥰 @kde_community

#linux #shortcut #clipboard

The rich and the corporations (and politicians) they control are consigning us to death.

"Governments risk another decade of failure on biodiversity loss, due to the slow implementation of an international agreement to halt the destruction of Earth’s ecosystems, experts have warned."


🇩🇪Der Nachfolger von Big Sister Johansson, Magnus Brunner, will Regeln zur #Vorratsdatenspeicherung prüfen, hält die Verordnung zur #Chatkontrolle für "dringend" und will die Verhandlungen dazu abschließen:…

Dabei hat Österreich keine #Vorratsdatenspeicherung und ist gegen #Chatkontrolle!

Ich hoffe auf viele kritische Fragen von EU-Abgeordneten in seiner LIBE-Anhörung am Dienstag ab 18.30 Uhr. Livestream:…

Simple science summaries written by AI help people understand research and trust scientists, argues a professor of communication.

From @ConversationUS: "AI-generated summaries not only improved public comprehension of science but also enhanced how people perceived scientists."

#AI #Science #ArtificialIntelligence #Communication #Language

Ohio’s supreme court in 2022 struck down GOP gerrymanders seven separate times, ordering the process to be more equitable. GOP leaders ignored the rulings and ran out the clock until they landed a more conservative court.…

We now have the stories of 7! institutions that have unbundled from big journal packages with publishers. Iowa State joins MIT, Bucknell, East Carolina, Florida State, UConn and UMontreal in sharing how they prepared their campus, provided continual access to research & saved $$$.…

in reply to Low Quality Facts

Anecdotally, Nigerian author Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart" references an Igbo tradition of viewing twins as inherently evil, meaning that in traditional society newborn twins are placed in clay jars alive and left in the forest to die.