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AppImage of MediaElch won't detect my USB Drive

I downloaded the AppImage file from the GitHub Repo and I did check that my USB Drive is connected which I can access it through my File Manager as well as Gnome's Disk Utility.

Oddly, when I tried to set an directory for Movies and TV-Shows in MediaElch, it acts like I hadn't plug my USB drive.

in reply to Matty

Usually this is a problem of permissions on the mounted-folder. Even with the jellyfin server you need to change the permissions to get the server to see the mounted folder. I expect it's similar with kodi.
in reply to Eugenia

Using Kodi on Rasberry Pi, I was able to open USB Drive's directory so I wasn't sure if it related to AppImage for some reason not detecting it.

This is the thing. Sociability is *about people*. If your people are in an architecturally worse place or a place with a weirder business model, you may still choose to go be with them.

The alternative social internet has to get this and build itself to be really liveable and interesting for more people OR accept that it's going to be niche.

Building for niche, then scolding people who don't get it is understandable, but it's missing a workable theory of change.…

in reply to Erin Kissane


Halfass and unscientific notes on what I heard from strangers here:…

My own notes about the affordance problems and why they have such huge culture-shaping effects:…


in reply to Erin Kissane

@chefraven @evan But I also came out of a gigantic fediverse governance research project feeling very sure that the fediverse has enormous and mostly untapped potential to be a lot better for a lot more people.…

But there's a ton of work to do, which I have made into my problem, against my better judgment!

If you're wondering if we're launching the nukes on November 6th, no, it's a test launch of a nuclear missile. (unarmed... hopefully). One of these went haywire one year and it was pretty intense (bright highly visible trail, then the missile pulsing, and eventually self destructed 😬 )

#Vandenberg #Launch #Nukes #Missiles #Lompoc #SantaBarbara #ICBM

in reply to AI6YR Ben

huh, I wonder if I'll be able to see this if I happen to be outside when it happens. I've seen SpaceX launches from Vandenberg from my backyard.
in reply to Ether Diver

@etherdiver Yes, most certainly. The hard part is they don't give you a very tight window to watch for the launch, and it's in the middle of the night.
in reply to AI6YR Ben

right, I am rarely outside between 11 pm and 5 am, and definitely never for more than a few minutes at a time...
in reply to Ether Diver

We've been able to see many of the Starlink launches right outside our front porch. If we''re awake tonight, and the rain hasn't come in, maybe we'll see it!
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Looking for a job? willing to relocate? Don't mind the occasional mind-deranging encounter with eldritch horrors? Miskatonic U is hiring for a few positions…

Why some flowers are so pleasing for Hindu gods and goddesses

Happy #Diwali to those who celebrate!…

"The United States is providing a new security assistance package, which has an estimated value of $425 million.

We are grateful to our American friends for their steadfast support.

Together, we are stronger.
Together, we can win"

- Ministry of Defence of #Ukraine

#US DoD Press Release 🔗…

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#OriginalMusic #Awakening #Dreams

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witnesses : Mark Kersten, Jon Allen, Katherine Verrier-Frechette, Rachad Antonius, Bessma Momani, Ardi Imseis…

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Unimaginably, Israel's campaign of genocide & elimination escalates, with up to 800 Palestinians killed in 17 days "in full view of the world."
Amidst relentless bombardment, displacement, starvation, trauma & shelling so incessant their "bodies don't stop trembling," Gazans recount apocalyptic scenes: limbs & corpses in the streets, body parts "hanging on the walls," children shot filling water jugs, hundreds trapped in homes and hospitals without power, water, food, aid…

Hey #Linux friends. 👋
Do you have a one-line terminal prompt or two? 🤔

1️⃣ - cursor on same line:
name@machine:~$ _

2️⃣ - cursor on another line:

Or something else? Why?

  • 1️⃣ (80%, 12 votes)
  • 2️⃣ (13%, 2 votes)
  • Something else (6%, 1 vote)
15 voters. Poll end: 4 months ago

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Does anybody else here worry that you've transitioned from the Arch Linux user that ironically mentions that you use Arch in every conversation to the stereotypical Arch Linux user that mentions that you use Arch in every conversation?

#archlinux #linux

That's 18.3 degrees for all the sensible Celsius folks out there.
in reply to Low Quality Facts

Un scientifique n'utiliserait pas des degrés aussi folkloriques que ces degrés américains !

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