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#fabulamurina (mouse story) 325
hodie sunt Kalendae Novembris; mures litus orientale Britanniae visitant (It's the first of November; the mice visit the east coast of Britain). Silvius nomen in harenam scalpit (Silvius scratches his name in the sand).

Are you advising software projects that accept LLM-generated code? Please participate in our survey on guidelines the use of #LLMs and help our #licensing team learn more about existing practices. We value any input:

"But here’s the kicker to all this: trans youth are woefully underrepresented at Ivy League universities and clearly don’t have an admissions advantage when applying."…

"If you’re excited about the idea of an Attorney General Jamie Raskin, that’s all the more reason to make another contribution, sign up for another volunteer shift, and fight for that prize on November 5."

Epictetus (c. 50-135 AD) was a Greek Stoic philosopher who taught that philosophy is a way of life, emphasizing ethics, human freedom, and the acceptance of things beyond one's control.

"Seek not that the things which happen should happen as you wish; but wish the things which happen to be as they are, and you will have a tranquil flow of life" #stoicism #life #philosophy

How would people in Sweden vote for US candidates ,

V is left wing
MP is greens
S is social democrats
C is center (conservative)
L is liberals (conservative right)
M is Conservative (Reaganite right)
KD is Christian Democrats (evangelical extreme right)
SD is Swedish Democrats (extreme right, neo Nazi and fascists)

PS. As typical, they didn't even mention 3rd parties, specially avoiding Jill Stein

How would people in Sweden vote for US candidates ,

V is left wing
MP is greens
S is social democrats
C is center (conservative)
L is liberals (conservative right)
M is Conservative (Reaganite right)
KD is Christian Democrats (evangelical extreme right)
SD is Swedish Democrats (extreme right, neo Nazi and fascists)

PS. As typical, they didn't even mention 3rd parties

I used to make radio shows and I've been wanting to get back into that for a while. I love finding and sharing exciting new #electronicmusic with people and making shows helps me do that.

The sad news that #RadioFreeFedi is shutting down has spurred me into action so I’d like to invite you to follow @audiointerface here and on Mixcloud

And check out to hear some classic shows and even submit tunes to be played.

reshared this

Seen in my neighbourhood. I think we can all agree, that the left one is not a happy pumpkin.

#Halloween #Today

5 modi per combattere la disinformazione elettorale su Bluesky e Fediverse

  • PENSA prima di impegnarti o condividere
  • CONDIVIDI informazioni accurate sulle elezioni
  • SEGNALA la disinformazione quando la vedi
  • ISTRUISCI te stesso, i tuoi amici e la tua famiglia
  • COINVOLGITI – e coinvolgi i tuoi amici e familiari

I suprematisti bianchi, i fascisti e i loro alleati stanno già diffondendo disinformazione per cercare di rubare le elezioni presidenziali degli Stati Uniti. Il CEO suprematista bianco e pro-fascista di X è uno di loro. Il CEO fascista-friendly di Meta sta sospendendo gli account delle persone che si oppongono. Una coalizione per i diritti civili sta chiedendo a Musk e Zuckerberg di agire contro la disinformazione elettorale , e forse faranno qualche sforzo simbolico, ma io per primo non ci trattengo il fiato.…

@Che succede nel Fediverso?

Elon Musk’s X is laying off employees again.

A new wave of layoffs has hit X, primarily affecting its engineering department, according to two sources inside X and posts on the workplace forum Blind. The exact scale of the job cuts remains unknown.

These cuts come just two months after staffers were required to submit a one-page summary telling leadership their contributions to the company (but it’s unclear if those one-pagers played a role).

in reply to how to do anything

Lol i shit you not I was literally just thinking of that right before opening my feed.

A Calif. property manager said he voted for Trump 6 times. He's being investigated. (Alec Regimbal/SFGATE)……

First light! RX590 works just great (and is massive overkill). Getting ready for some compiling on this new #riscv SiFive P550 Premier. Lots of #linux stuff to get working

All aboard the TRUTH TRAIN! OneNJ7 volunteers rocked Westfield Station—and yes, Elvis was in the building! 🚂

in reply to Brodie Robertson

Sensitive content