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in reply to Farhad

would they close the Israeli consulate after one year of #genocide? Nooo. But anyone who would stand up to Israel. I wonder what they will do against the Hou this...

GCC 15 to keep Itanium support for now, after all…

Now, can someone come up with an emulator for the things, please?

<- by me on @theregister

in reply to Laffy

The MAGA MORONS know they are losing and grasping at straws.

Hmm… Which color for new luggage??

(poll next toot)

in reply to Madame Aronow

The options are…

  • Pink (17%, 12 votes)
  • Green (27%, 19 votes)
  • Purple (54%, 37 votes)
68 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

in reply to GM7077

A photo of a building painted with the Palestinian flag, in the middle of a desert landscape. The photo was taken from a car. The text below the photo says this is a building painted in solidarity with Palestine. The photo was taken in the Navajo Nation outside Cameron, Arizona.

Wir waren in einem Hotel, in dem es eine eigene Speisekarte für Frau Dr. Bohne gab, und auch wenn Böhnchen ihre eigenen Speisen auf Reisen mitzunehmen pflegt, gefällt ihr das sehr gut.

Il telefono cellulare rivelatore: proteggere i tuoi dati quando fai reportage dal campo

Anderson del Digital Security Team della Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) hanno incontrato Caitlin Vogus, consulente senior della FPF, per discutere dei diritti costituzionali dei giornalisti in caso di sequestro del dispositivo e di cosa possono fare ora per pianificare in anticipo i loro reportage sul campo.…


Happy Diwali! 🧨🎆🎇
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Who formally declares the winner of the presidential election? What you see on TV is not official - and the actual process is far more complicated…


🎶«Je suis ce gravillon dans leurs bottes de nazillons»

Découvrez le nouveau clip des artistes Ombr3 et Horachek.
Textes et interprétation: Ombr3 et @horachek.twe
Instru: Weedlack
Clip : Ombr3
Mixage/arrangement/mastering: JAMES COLE PABLO…

Contre Attaque reshared this.

Whether you're questioning the effects of technology in your life or you're the designated family tech wizard, Digital Rights Bytes is here to answer common questions about the devices you use:…

Bose is taking up to 40 percent off headphones ahead of Black Friday

The promo extends to some of our favorite models, too, including the QC Ultra Headphones.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Il Primo Archivista" dà una svolta rosea alla storia degli Stati Uniti: potando le parti spinose

L'archivista statunitense Colleen Shogan e i suoi principali consiglieri presso la National Archives and Records Administration, che gestisce un famoso museo sul National Mall, hanno cercato di de-enfatizzare le parti negative della storia degli Stati Uniti. Ha ordinato la rimozione di importanti riferimenti a eventi epocali come lo spostamento delle tribù indigene da parte del governo e l'incarcerazione di giapponesi-americani durante la seconda guerra mondiale dalle mostre pianificate…


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Bedlam Hall: A Travesty of Terrible Tales

Publisher: Monkeyfun Studios, LLCThis is a collection of the previously published Terrible Tales for the Bedlam Hall role-playing game, and frankly we're a bit nauseated by it. Why on earth do we continue to do this to good people like yourself, when we…

Terra Incognita - Printable Creature Tokens - Kickstarter Edition

Publisher: MediaStream PressPAPERBACK & HARDCOVER EDITIONS COMING SOON! Venture Beyond the Known World with Terra Incognita Get printable tokens for over 120 creatures sized by their creature size, everything needed to transform your campaign into a…

Terra Incognita - Poster Set - Kickstarter Edition

Publisher: MediaStream PressPAPERBACK & HARDCOVER EDITIONS COMING SOON! Venture Beyond the Known World with Terra Incognita These posters work great as backgrounds for your desktop. Or, print them and show them off to your players! Get the 12 races poster,…