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A new survey reveals 5 to 19 million tons of lithium reserves in Southwest Arkansas — that’s enough lithium to potentially meet global EV demand ninefold by 2030. 😳

The EV industry is far from perfect, but they are key components to decarbonizing our economy and combating climate change.

Further, EVs are much more efficient use of energy 👇🏼

New 📚 Release! JupyterLab 101: Learn the Latest Iteration of Jupyter Notebook by Michael Driscoll

#books #ebooks #jupyter #python #machinelearning

JupyterLab, the latest iteration of the Jupyter Notebook, is a versatile tool for sharing code in an easily understandable format. Jupyter Notebooks can be emailed, put on GitHub, or run online. You may also add HTML, images, Markdown, videos, LaTeX, and custom MIME types to your Notebooks.


in reply to Tom Grzybow

"None of them have shown that they can work with the Democrats in a democratic way."

I think that's almost right, @tomgrzybow.

I think a more accurate statement would be None of them are willing to work with Democrats, full stop.

Republicans are quite explicit about their goal to put party above country: They don't want to govern well; they only want to rule absolutely. Cooperation with Democrats for the good of the nation is, to them, treason.

in reply to Tom Grzybow

Yes. I don't think this will change much after Don The Con loses.

Skeleton Crew will start with two-episode series premiere, streaming December 3 on Disney+.

I admit that this new trailer has finally aroused my curiosity about this new Star Wars series, which looks very different from the others. That's all I ask. Something new and different.…

Bernie Sanders:

“I disagree with Kamala’s position on the war in Gaza. How can I vote for her?” Here is my answer:…

can’t make it to this tonight, but if you’re in/around Brisbane pls try ✊

today is 10 years since the first International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. the crimes are still too frequent, & accountability for them still too lacking…

BCON24 Quick Impressions #shorts #b3d

Blender Conference 2024 wrapped one week ago, hopefully we all made it past the post-bcon blues!

As the team works on the full recap-video, here is a quick summary, all photos and the talks playlist:… #b3d #bcon24 #peertube

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

reshared this

"America's Only Weekly Newsletter. And Still Free."™️
Sarge dies
Donald cheats
Elephants in suits
Unicorn tears
Hating crime
Blade Runner Kittens
Joy Beh-zer
And more!
But ya gotta hit the link…
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Kamala and I worked like hell to protect the pensions of millions of union workers and retirees – and not a single Republican in Congress voted to join us.

But thanks to that work, over 1.2 million pensions have been protected.

Mira: [Steps onto the coffee table from the couch]
Me: (mild annoyed shushing sound) "We don't do that, girlie."
Mira: [Attempts to backtrack but cannot, as she is in the air with her front paws on the coffee table and her back paws on the couch.]
Mira: [Looks at me somewhat helplessly] "Mreeeeehhhh!"
Me: 😻😻😻😸😹

cc: @mirabilos

#FloofDaughter #Mira #Cats #Catstodon #CatsOfMastodon

in reply to R. L. Dane

hehe, I can visualise that.

Of course, our cats own everything and are generally allowed everywhere. Exceptions are in the wastebin, eating from our dishes, and in dangerous areas (like where something is soaking in cleaning solution).

in reply to mirabilos

Yeah, I don't have too many hard rules, but I do try to discourage them from totally roaming anywhere.

She has yet to figure out how to jump onto the top of the fridge from the countertop and pace around on top of the kitchen cabinets like it's her own personal catwalk the way Hobbes used to. I think she's more chill (and a good bit more little) than he was, but I do hope she tries it some time. ^__^

"Yet the classical appearance of the Latin alphabet did not emerge fully formed. Rather, it developed in gradual stages, links in a chain of alphabetic acquisition and adapation that connected Roman writing back to Egypt."…

Just in case you thought SpaceX Crew Dragon returning NASA astronauts when Boeing's Starliner failed makes SpaceX the good company and Boeing the bad company, they're actually both bad companies...

NASA Tells SpaceX to Focus on Safety After Astronaut Hospitalizations

A crew of astronauts was recently hospitalized following a return to Earth on board SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft.…