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From "Nouveau dictionnaire encyclopédique universel illustré" under the direction of Jules Trousset, Paris: 1885-1891 #illustration #botany oldbookillustrations.com/illus…
The Supreme Court decides not to toss out thousands of Pennsylvania ballots
The .io domain might be in trouble
The .io domain might be in trouble | TalePunk
Know how ccTLDs (Country Code Top-Level Domains) can die.TalePunk
Just installed the #vivaldibrowser across all my platforms. Easy-peasy with the cross-platform sync feature 🙌🏻
Save, fast and private🚫🪳
Thank you for doing what you do @Vivaldi 🙏
#Linux #VLC #Ubuntu #LinuxTools
If he stays silent, he will regret it.
Nicolle Wallace Calls on George W. Bush to Denounce Trump nytimes.com/2024/11/01/us/poli…
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Forensic Architecture hat die Kriegsführung von #Israel in #Gaza detailliert und ausführlich untersucht.
Und dabei nachgewiesen inwieweit dies mit dem Merkmal "„… ein koordinierter Plan verschiedener Aktionen, der auf die Zerstörung essentieller Grundlagen des Lebens einer Bevölkerungsgruppe gerichtet ist mit dem Ziel, die Gruppe zu vernichten." aus der Genoziddefinition nach Raphael Lemkin übereinstimmt.
»A Cartography of Genocide.« forensic-architecture.org/inve…
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Paid to Peer-Review: Physicians Reviewing Top Medical Journals Receive Billions from Pharmaceuticals
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Behold the work of Darya Kawa Mirza, a self-taught Kurdish photographer who produces astonishingly detailed pictures of the moon ...
... by zooming in close on individual tiny craters, taking over 80,000 shots of those, then compositing them together into individual, incredibly detailed landscapes
Item #1 in my latest "Linkfest" newsletter, free to read and subscribe to here: buttondown.com/clivethompson/a…
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Em Adespoton
in reply to Adam431 • • •I don’t get this: shouldn’t Mauritius gain ownership of .io? Russia has .su, and it’s been over 30 years since the Soviets existed.
[edit] also, since there’s .whateveryouwant these days, why not just make .io a non-country TLD? That’s how it’s used anyway.
in reply to Em Adespoton • • •Vendetta9076
in reply to mortimer • • •While there's certainly something to be said about a hesitancy to report actual news, this isn't one of those times. .io will go away and .su is the reason why.
in reply to Vendetta9076 • • •Vendetta9076
in reply to Em Adespoton • • •Its funny you mention .su because that's the exact time IANA learned that it shouldn't stick around.
TLDR: .su domains are some of the best places for illegal content on the clearnet to live. And we aren't talking piracy. We're talking child porn and snuff films. IANA doesn't want that smoke again.
As to your second point, it very much could except that breaks the rules for TLDs. Then again companies could put enough money behind it to change the rules I'm sure.
in reply to Adam431 • • •Its funny you mention .su because that's the exact time IANA learned that it shouldn't stick around.
TLDR: .su domains are some of the best places for illegal content on the clearnet to live. And we aren't talking piracy. We're talking child porn and snuff films. IANA doesn't want that smoke again.
in reply to Adam431 • • •.us
instead of.com
, or.gov
in reply to LavenderDay3544 • • •1984
in reply to Adam431 • • •sylver_dragon
in reply to Adam431 • • •