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A new month means a new challenge!

The November #Inkscape Challenge is to

🖌️ Draw a Child's Toy 🦆 🧸 🧱 🧩

Beginners are welcome!

See you on the challenge page:…

#inkscapechallenge #ArtWithOpenSource

Queensland bottle tree.
From "Nouveau dictionnaire encyclopédique universel illustré" under the direction of Jules Trousset, Paris: 1885-1891 #illustration #botany…
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

in reply to Adam431

Those websites will simply register alternate domains.... It's really not a big deal.
in reply to Adam431

Can we follow this up by murdering most of the generic Top Level Domains (gTLD)? I have yet to see anything except spam and malware coming out of the .top domain.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Elon Musk is now under fire in multiple swing states over his election interference.

Just installed the #vivaldibrowser across all my platforms. Easy-peasy with the cross-platform sync feature 🙌🏻
Save, fast and private🚫🪳

Thank you for doing what you do @Vivaldi 🙏


"Everybody has a price" -- Eric Trump tells Kremlin influencer Benny Johnson that celebrities like J Lo and Beyonce get paid to endorse Kamala Harris

(This is complete and utter nonsense)

Since we passed the Butch Lewis Act, we’ve protected the pensions of over 1.2 million union workers and retirees.

My Administration has always had your back, and we always will.

Nancy Mace: "We really ought to have states purge their voter rolls every single year."

Forensic Architecture hat die Kriegsführung von #Israel in #Gaza detailliert und ausführlich untersucht.
Und dabei nachgewiesen inwieweit dies mit dem Merkmal "„… ein koordinierter Plan verschiedener Aktionen, der auf die Zerstörung essentieller Grundlagen des Lebens einer Bevölkerungsgruppe gerichtet ist mit dem Ziel, die Gruppe zu vernichten." aus der Genoziddefinition nach Raphael Lemkin übereinstimmt.

»A Cartography of Genocide.«…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

in reply to x0x7

So, who else was proposing to pay for peer-review time? I'd be concerned if there was some sort of pay-for-result that seemed tied to this, but I don't see any evidence of that from this article. Aspersions are cast, but nothing of substance is there to say that the process isn't impartial.
in reply to ikidd

But also companies don't do things for free, so what were they hoping to get out of paying?

Behold the work of Darya Kawa Mirza, a self-taught Kurdish photographer who produces astonishingly detailed pictures of the moon ...

... by zooming in close on individual tiny craters, taking over 80,000 shots of those, then compositing them together into individual, incredibly detailed landscapes

Item #1 in my latest "Linkfest" newsletter, free to read and subscribe to here:…


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