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#MorningAll & #TZAG G’day Squirrel Fans, hope I find you bright eyed & bushy tailed!

Saturday has arrived at long last, dull, misty but at least it’s not too cold!

Wal & Hazel have found a potential place to live.
It’s a bit of a shell to be honest!

Promised to help a certain Pixy with getting some more of the NMS expedition sorted & maybe Mel might be able to join us too!

Cashew later Peeps, have a fabulously nutty day #Today ! πŸ˜ŠπŸ«ΆπŸΏοΈπŸ––

#WeirdFolks #SquirrelsOfMastodon #TheMammutMoves

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in reply to Maj1 THE Neuro Spicy Squirrel

I swear that could be me and my mornings sitting n sipping and waiting for some sunshine to soak in. πŸ‘β˜•οΈ

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in reply to Uncle Harvey

@Uncleharvey Morning Harvey πŸ‘‹πŸ˜Š

I’m glad I’ve got the technique just right then my friend 😊

Have a n excellent day! πŸ˜ŠπŸ«ΆπŸΏοΈπŸ––

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MordfΓΆrsΓΆk i SΓ€tra centrum. TvΓ₯ personer hittades skjutna i en lokal i SΓ€tra centrum vid 4-tiden i gΓ₯r eftermiddag. Det ska handla om en frisersalong vid namn BrΓΆdernas Barber Shop och de som skΓΆts befann sig inne i lokalen.…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Damn, it’s true that everyone implicated in Sean Combs sex parties is coming out for Kamala…

in reply to 🌈Magical Thinking

I never cared much for her English music but some of her numbers she did in Brazil not to bad, none the less, a pop star is not someone I'd go to for political advice, if I wanted political advice which mostly I do not.

I talked to a medical expert through AOPA today (airplane owners and pilots association). We discussed my case in detail, and the good news is there is definitely a way forward for me to get my FAA class 1 medical license.

As one would expect, the FAA wants to ensure that pilots are healthy and capable before endorsing them. Issues that I have overcome in my past are things that the FAA will want to test me on to ensure that they are not current problems and are unlikely to be future problems. To that end, I will be required to submit to several examinations, none of which are covered by insurance.

To that end, I am doing something that any of my followers will know that I rarely ever do and I am going to open up to donations. I have been advised, and my own research confirms, that these tests and appointments are going to run several thousands of dollars. Anything anyone can spare is greatly appreciated. Will you help me earn my wings? 🐺 πŸͺ½…

"Do you want to see me knock the hell out of people backstage? I get so mad, I'm up here seething. I'm working my ass off with this stupid mic."
- Donald Trump

Trump lost his temper on stage last night after his microphone stopped working.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Breaking #BreakingNews #Trump

in reply to Aure Free Press

All those times he claimed technical malfunctions were responsible for the whole world "mishearing" him but this reveals how he actually responds to a technical issue.
in reply to Aure Free Press

I would pay to see that buffoon go toe to toe with a roadie or stage manager. It would go like this:

#Hamburglar throws one or two of the slowest, telegraphed and limp wristes punched followed by a right hook from someone who lifts heavy shit for a living. Hair plugs and orange face dust everywhere.


Arnold SchΓΆnberg VerklΓ€rte Nacht, op. 4;

Richard Strauss Tod und VerklΓ€rung, poema sinfonico op. 24;

Richard Wagner Preludio e morte di Isotta da Tristan und Isolde

Orchestra del Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino
direttore, Daniele Gatti…

#music #classic #concert

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Chaque été, la Grèce est confrontée à des incendies de plus en plus violents, destructeurs et meurtriers. Et chaque année, les pompiers grecs sont envoyés en première ligne, avec des moyens modestes, pour éteindre les brasiers.

Notre article Γ  lire ici :…

Contre Attaque reshared this.

Jean SΓ©bastien Bach (1685-1750)

Concerto pour violon et orchestre nΒ°2 en mi majeur BWV 1042 (1717-1723)

Concerto pour hautbois d'amour, cordes et basse continue en la majeur BWV 1055 (1730-38)

Suite nΒ°2 pour flΓ»te, cordes et basse continue en si mineur BWV 1067

Leonardo GarcΓ­a AlarcΓ³n
l’Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France…

#music #barock #concert

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Hundreds of November records destroyed from Texas (Del Rio High Tmin again!) to Maine
84F Windsor Lock and Hartford CT
79F Sunkhaze Meadows ME

See most important monthly records in the NE

2. November 2024, 20:00 Uhr

HΓ€ndel, Georg Friedrich (1685-1759)

Gabrieli Consort & Players
Leitung: Paul McCreesh…

#music #barock #oper

classicalmusic group reshared this.

From climate advocatesβ€” please don’t vote for Jill Stein for president.

And from Rebecca Solnit: β€œVoting isn’t a valentine. It’s a chess move.” Kamala needs your votes to block 4 more years of you-know-who and his no #climate action.

#USElection2024 #KamalaHarris…

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