Busy with final polish at the moment, but for new followers here's a slightly revised teaser for the game I'm working on.
Alliance Peacefighter is a single player, story-driven, 90's style space sim. Full VR support - you can grab the controls and everything! Flatscreens, HOTAS, gamepads, mouse/keyboard, Steamdeck all supported.
#ScreenshotSaturday #GameDev #IndieDev
“America likes to call itself a Christian nation. (...) No one, who sends weapons to kill families in tents in Palestine, is a true Christian”
Palestinian Christian Seminarian John Na’em Snobar tells TRT World that every Christian church should call out Israel’s war crimes in Gaza, reminding that Palestinians were among the first Christians in the world.
✡️ 🇵🇸 ☮️
Want to know why the Dow Jones Industrial Average keeps going up? One key reason: They replace stocks that aren't doing well with ones that are.
Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖ reshared this.
Ein Freund hat auf dem Heimweg vom der letzten #CM am 25.10.24 die falsch geparkten Autos gezählt. Das wären 5610€ #Bußgeld, die wir im Haushalt von #pforzheim gut brauchen können.
#falschparker darf man übrigens fotografieren und beim Ordnungsamt #PRIVATANZEIGE ertatten. Am besten geht das mit weg.li oder unter service-bw.de/onlineantraege/o…
Autos auf Gehwegen und im Kreuzungsbereich sind eine Grundrechtseinschränkung für Fußgänger, Kinder und Behinderte.
#Urteil ist rechtskräftig: #Privatanzeige gegen #Falschparker sind auch dann legal, wenn man nicht persönlich betroffen ist. Fotografien des Fahrzeuges verstoßen nicht gegen den #Datenschutz, weil die eingeschränkten #Grundrechte von Menschen auf #Gehwegen und #Radwegen überwiegen. Bitte vermeidet trotzdem Fotos von Personen.
Fed up of bad and slow searches to grab album art for when I rip CDs, decided to make a quick script tog grab the art from the iTunes API.
Whining Trump cultist is aggrieved that women would dare to vote for Harris against their husbands' orders. I mean, how dare they!
Kim Spence-Jones 🇬🇧😷 reshared this.
Renowned historian and author Rashid Khalidi in conversation with Katie Halper, discusses current events in Palestine, and what the TRUE difference would be between a Trump or Harris presidency when it comes to the genocide in Palestine.
Rashid Khalidi is Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies Emeritus at Columbia University. He received a B.A. from Yale University and a D. Phil. from Oxford University.
✡️ 🇵🇸 ☮️
We are also still running our charity for Ukrainian families who fled to Austria. We convert donations to €50 food vouchers. One per family. We are zero overhead and fully transparent. Every cent goes towards vouchers. Our "clients" are 90% women with kids. We've so far been able to transfer ~€280k in vouchers since May 2022. That's over 5000 families. Drop in the ocean, but it is something.
If you like my bullshit and are able, consider supporting it.
reshared this
Scopri la verità dietro la tragica morte di Pier Paolo Pasolini a Ostia. Un'indagine giornalistica approfondita rivela nuovi dettagli su uno dei più grandi misteri italiani. Testimonianze inedite e documenti d'archivio svelano un intreccio di potere, pass
Contre la précarité énergétique, ils installent gratuitement des panneaux solaires
Une société coopérative propose un modèle alternatif pour produire de l’électricité « verte » en installant des panneaux solaires qu’elle récupère gratuitement. En Isère, elle lutte ainsi contre la précarité énergétique.
Un article enthousiasmant !... Et une organisation dans le Trièves qui ne demande qu'à inspirer d'autres régions... ;)
#société #énergies #précarité-énergétique #photovoltaïque #solidarité #résilience
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Bon dia. S'ha posat en marxa una campanya per a tirar avant accions judicials contra els responsables del desastre de la #DANA al #PaísValencià
S'agraeix la difusió. Qualsevol forma en la que pugueu col·laborar serà benvinguda.
Justícia per al poble valencià ✊🏻
Vengo a presumir mi carta de Pikachu en #PokemonTCGPocket
Hasta ahora es la carta más bonita y mas rara que tengo. Al dejar pulsado sobre la carta, se habilita una animación, la cual es directamente un video que te introduce a ese pequeño mundo dentro de la carta, como si entraras a explorar y ver qué hay alrededor.
Truth shines brighter when the press is free.
On the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, we stand by all those who speak truth to power.
Often, journalists are threatened with violence for doing their job.
We must protect their safety and their right to report.
Our Media Freedom Act aims to safeguard rights and promote diverse voices, and the Strategic lawsuits against public participation package strengthens our commitment to a free and independent press.
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Estimated russian losses from February 24, 2022 to November 02, 2024 of the russian all-out war against Ukraine, according to the General Staff of the #Ukraine
🔷 1,270 eliminated enemy personnel and 8 Tanks yesterday
Jonathan Schofield
in reply to Dan Gillmor • • •Steve Lhomme
in reply to Dan Gillmor • • •