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The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

(Falsely attributed to Edmund Burke, actual origin unknown)

in reply to Dark Phoenix

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in reply to Chumchum Tumtum

@fcktheworld587 I know that President Kennedy used it in a speech, but beyond that who knows. It is a very good quote and quite fitting for the times.

Interview: "Obey the Law”: Palestinians Sue State Dept over US Arms to Israel

"There is a mountain of evidence of Israel carrying out torture, extrajudicial killings, rape, enforced disappearances & other abuses.

"Despite all that, the State Department has never once held any Israeli unit ineligible for assistance under the Leahy Law."

~Fmr State Department official Charles Blaha…

#LeahyLaw #IsraeliCrimesAgainstHumanity #USEnablement #USPol #BDS .

DrALJONES reshared this.

Conservatives now want to blame mass shootings on big pharma. That most shooters are on depression meds etc. I don't know that that's true and if it was, is the argument that society and these people would be overall better off without the drugs? I assume they'd never support banning people on these meds from having access to the guns. 2A etc.

Anyway, it's the guns that make somebody who'd otherwise stab a bunch of people, much more efficient killing machines.…

in reply to OneEyeKing


you're ok with regulating guns and the use of them like cars in the US? deal.

in reply to william.maggos

How about this guy? Maybe we should mandate him to have a milion dollar coverage insurance? What is the difference?…
in reply to OneEyeKing

This guy is trying to make guns "normal" part of Civilization. He cannot get it in his fucking skull that people shooting other people are not doing it by following some Laws.

Wars do not break out with full agreement of all parties involved.

Is there a name for what is wrong with this dude?

in reply to OneEyeKing


I love how the people who say we need guns to fight back against a corrupt govt also say nobody needs guns to kill people. they are efficient weapons. we can't stop everybody from wanting to kill people. they will also find other weapons. but do less damage. the whole point of my OP above.

in reply to william.maggos

They are tools like a hammer or a car. It's the person that gives them a purpose. Without a person they are just objects. It's the crazy people that need to be supervised. And any weapon Is as efficient as the person wilding it. Have you ever shot a gun?
in reply to OneEyeKing

He started shooting before his arm got in level with the target. Lining up the sight before you squeeze off the first shot is for beginners, this guy is a pro, he shoots like Steven Segal.
in reply to FourOh-LLC

@FourOh-LLC People, emotionally immature think that shooting works like they are in a western movie. I've seen many people having problems with a consistent draw, 2 shots and holster from 15 yards. Now incorporate magazine change into that and a moving target. It's the reason chicago has a high number of wounded in comparison to kills. Gangbangers don't go to the range.
in reply to OneEyeKing

The semi-auto promotes unwarranted confidence, and most shooting ranges forbid rapid-fire like what this idiot did there. I have never seen on these vids or in real life where changing mags made any difference from the first few rounds.…

in reply to FourOh-LLC

@FourOh-LLC Most gang bangers don't carry an extra mag. Also their ammo is not uniform and gun often jams. With 3d printing, the quality of handguns has been drastically improving. Polymer doesn't rust.
in reply to OneEyeKing

My blued steel P+ .38 never jammed, and polymers never going to take the same pressure.
in reply to FourOh-LLC

This is what I normally carry now, because I fish a lot. I used it on many injured and dying critters over the last few years. The .38 is pretty heavy and its an overkill.
in reply to FourOh-LLC

Its a North American, with two chambers - for 22 RL and for 22 Magnum.
in reply to FourOh-LLC

@FourOh-LLC Unfortunately I'm in NJ where gun laws are strict for the law abiding citizens. I don't believe that I could legaly carry in the parks. But ranges here are growing in popularity and many people are carrying with a permit. It's just extremely tricky since everything is a gun free zone.
in reply to OneEyeKing

I started shooting with 22 LRs in Hungary, at 14, around 1984. I was incredibly fortunate to have access to fire arms since Hungary was under Soviet occupation at the time - and Socialists do not allow firearms in the hands of the citizenry. But I was a top track and field promise and I had privileges.

The .22 is way under-estimated. Even at the lighter grains when it hits bare skin its devastating, and when it hits bone its pretty much lethal. There is no recoil, so its the perfect training round.

I always loved the .22 rounds.

Illinois where I live is shockingly "liberal" when it comes to gun laws, its only Chicago where everything is banned and those darn gangsters are not OBEYING THE LAW! / sarcasm.

in reply to FourOh-LLC

@FourOh-LLC I'm aware of Soviet occupation since I grew up in Poland in the 70s and 80s. It's the reason I have much disdain for people like @wjmaggos who worship the power of the government.
in reply to OneEyeKing

You and I do not have "opinions" about these things, we have life experiences. @wjmaggos
in reply to FourOh-LLC

That revolver is tiny.
22 as a round will do alot of damage by bouncing around but not sure about a stopping power on a biger animal. Cute gun! @wjmaggos
in reply to OneEyeKing

Its a double-action and it is supposed to be used at zero distance. You cannot hit anything with this even 5 yards out. I press into the ear of critters and it gets it done. .22 magnum rounds are kinda rare, and in this particular gun they do not have the full benefit, not even the LR has the full benefit as the barrel is not rifled for a range.

At my age I am only and NRA level 2 shooter, and I know it and I deal with it. This is why I carried the stub nose .38, I would never take a shot over 20 yards out, I would just split.

This is also why I like my belly-gun, pressing against even a heavy winter coat still going to leave a mark :D

in reply to FourOh-LLC

@FourOh-LLC 20 yard in the city is a long shot. Backstop has to be there when people are around. Most shootings are at point blank anyways. Kids will run up to you and try to get one off. Adults don't mess around with nonsense unless it pays big.


in reply to OneEyeKing

Just recently the Illinois State Police switched to a different system, and those already with valid CCW no longer need to take the training and range qualification to renew the license.

In years back I was able to do well over 25 yards with the .38, but today I am more limited. I am a 57 yo strong 6'1" guy, I still have 20/20 but my confidence level is dropping. As you wrote, most shootings happen in a few feet or closer, so I stopped training for over 20 yards.

I did not need to qualify for the last 3 years at least, so I am not sure if I could still hit the 25 yards, and I am not wasting ammo on that.

in reply to FourOh-LLC

@FourOh-LLC It's good news about relaxed regulations. I have a range membership and enjoy shooting, but when I'm short on time or like to test my ability to hit a moving target I use this invention. It paid itself off in the ammo I saved while being able to dry fire and practice magazine changes.


in reply to OneEyeKing

It must be crazy congested at the East Coast. Here in Illinois I have a friend with dozens of acres of farm land backed by state snow mobile trails, and I just recently bought my own land. That's where we shoot, and I never practiced against moving targets. I doubt I want to, that's above my grade.

Free little libraries are not libraries, they are book exchanges. Handel’s Messiah is for Easter, not for Christmas. I needed to get those off my chest. Now I can get on with my day.

stib reshared this.

in reply to Ciara

It would be fun to open up a free little library some day and there’s a little mouse librarian snoozing behind a tiny desk with a date stamp.
in reply to Nick

@Nickiquote Yes it would. And if that ever happens, I will stop moaning about them misappropriating the word 'library'.

Do I really have to go out in this and do a run, horrible I tell yee, but if one of us has to suffer, I'll take one for the team.

#MastodonRunning #TrailRunning #RunnersOfMastodon #Running #Sunrise

Les travaux sans fin de la gare de Shinjuku…
Après les travaux de réaménagement de la gare en elle-même (2012 → 2023), le grand magasin Odakyu est en cours de démolition-reconstruction depuis 2 ans avec évidemment un impact non négligeable sur les coursives et voies situées en dessous (jusqu’en 2029)

Et c’est maintenant le bâtiment de Shinjuku Mylord, de l’autre côté de la gare qui a annoncé en septembre sa fermeture pour démolition-reconstruction à partir de mars 2025 et jusqu’en 2029 également

Et je m’attends aussi que d’ici à ce qu’Odakyu réouvre, le bâtiment de Keio attenant annonce son propre projet……

L'Allemagne se réveille sous le choc d'un nouvel attentat au marché de Noël de Magdebourg, à l'Est du pays. En France, Bardella s'est empressé de dénoncer un "attentat islamiste". Sauf que l'auteur présumé est un médecin originaire d’Arabie Saoudite, connu au contraire pour son activisme... anti-islam et il a posté des contenus de l'AfD, le parti d'extrême-droite allemand

#Politique #Allemagne #Attentat #Terrorisme #Islam #Noel #ArabieSaoudite #RN #Bardella

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in reply to Nils Wilcke

francetvinfo :
Attaque sur un marché de Noël en Allemagne : le suspect est "islamophobe", selon la ministre de l'Intérieur allemande

alors Jordan, on en dit quoi ?

🗞️ Si le recensement est un bien public et y participer est un acte civique, la #LDH et ses partenaires appellent à ne pas répondre à la nouvelle question introduite cette année sur le pays de naissance des parents. Celle-ci présente beaucoup de dangers.…

Interview: “Extermination & Acts of Genocide”: Human Rights Watch on Israel Deliberately Depriving Gaza of Water

HRW report details how Israel has cut off water & blocked fuel, food & humanitarian aid from entering Gaza; & deliberately destroyed or damaged water & sanitation infrastructure & water repair materials: "a clear state policy of depriving people in Gaza of water" - "a genocidal act".…

#GazaGenocide #IsraeliCrimesAgainstHumanity #USPol #BDS #USEnablement .

DrALJONES reshared this.

Interview: "We were not prepared for what we were going to see".

"More than 150,000 Syrians remain unaccounted for after being held in Assad’s prisons, & many are believed to be buried in mass graves."

There's a struggle to preserve the evidence due to Israel's shelling & also due to the new regime not prioritizing tracking the Assad government’s crimes

~Human Rights Watch researcher Hiba Zayadin…

#Syria #MassGraves #CrimesAgainstHumanity #USEnablement #AssadRegime .

DrALJONES reshared this.

Report: 9 Palestinian Americans who were trapped in Gaza have sued the US govt for racist discrimination, saying the govt:

- abandoned Palestinian Americans in a war zone;

- & failed to make the normal effort made in similar situations, eg, Afghanistan, Lebanon & Sudan.

They allege being deprived of the typical evacuation efforts the govt "extends to Americans who are not Palestinians”.…

#USPol #Racism #USGovtDiscrimination #Blinken #Biden .

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Ours is the timeline that dares to ask, what if Hitler had also been the richest man on the planet and controlled the sky?

Ach ne, wirklich?! Ich bin kein High-Tech Verschwurbler und überkritisch?! Die KI wird öfters für kapitalen Ausnutzung angewendet?!

«Datenlecks und Fehlinformationen vermeiden: So schützen Sie sich vor Schatten-KI.
Der unerlaubte Einsatz von generativen KI-Tools kann Unternehmen erheblichen Risiken aussetzen. Das können Sie dagegen tun.»


#arbeit #KITools #datenlucke #ki #genai #chatgpt #Fehlinformationen #itsicherheit

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in reply to 𝕂𝚞𝚋𝚒𝚔ℙ𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚕

🧵 …und wie lange geht es bis aufgedeckt wird, dass gewisse logische Zusammenhänge absolut verwirrend durcheinander kommen und es Menschen (Spezialisten?) es wieder auflösen sollen?

«OpenAIs neues Modell o3 soll Menschen in Reasoning-Benchmarks übertreffen:
Das neue Modell o3 soll Menschen in Benchmarks für Mathematik und Programmierung übertreffen, o3-mini Effizienz und starkes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis bieten.»


#ki #openai #mathematik #o3mini #it #benchmark #coding

in reply to 𝕂𝚞𝚋𝚒𝚔ℙ𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚕

irgendwie kommt es mir vor, als ob die ML developer derzeit mit hochdruck den film "inception" durchspielen. lass uns einfach noch ne layer fake-smartness drueberkippen, dann merkt das keiner mehr. dieser rekursionsansatz muss frueher oder spaeter in ein hartes limit laufen. ich find das genauso einfallsreich wie in CPU's einfach mehr cores zu stopfen. if "brute force" is your only hammer, everything starts to look like a solvable statistical problem.
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in reply to blazr

genau das und ja ich könnte mir den Film wieder mal ansehen ;)
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in reply to 𝕂𝚞𝚋𝚒𝚔ℙ𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚕

🧵 …dass die KI nicht wirklich vertrauenswürdig ist, hatte ich schon länger kritisiert. Nun kommt es wohl auch bei der Masse an und deren Datenschutz in Frage stellt.

«Drei Fragen und Antworten – Angriffe auf KI-Systeme:
Unternehmen, die KI-Systeme einsetzen, erweitern ihre Angriffsfläche. Was Angriffe auf KI besonders macht, und wie man sich schützen kann.»


#ki #DreiFragenan #angriff #datenschutz

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🧵 …meine Einschätzung diesbezüglich ist nicht zufällig länger schon: π × 👍 ≈ AI

«OpenAI hat Probleme – GPT-5 ist deutlich verzögert und extrem teuer:
OpenAI steht bei der Entwicklung seines neuen KI-Modells GPT-5 vor großen Schwierigkeiten: Das Projekt, das seit über 18 Monaten in Arbeit ist, verschlingt immense finanzielle Ressourcen und wird von technischen Rückschlägen geplagt.»


#openai #gpt5 #finanzen #problem #teuer #ai #ki #finanzierung #kapitalismus #itsec

For a good while now one of my weekly #Linux podcasts via #RSS has been #LinuxAfterDark at I listened to last week's Ep 84 & thought nothing more or less of it as usual [ie, enjoyed it the same]. Just now i finished 85, & prolly needed at least the first 15' to stop grinning & whooping with vicarious happiness. I'm deliberately gonna say no more, nothing specific, out of courtesy & respect... other than this: congratulations & big hugs to you, @MayDurst, & for that matter, also big respect to your three pod-colleagues! 🤗💜👍…

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Quick guide to installing raspi-config on Ubuntu for seamless Raspberry Pi configuration.…