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Thanks to all the #firies * out there, facing dangerous conditions for all of us.

A very blurry pic from last night of the chopper pad in Gisborne with fire engines everywhere.

*Aussie #slang for #FireFighters


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

People don't want to know the truth.
They want to be comfortable.…

Dear GitHub User, we made Copilot free for you now because nobody wants to buy our shit. The board is getting nervous as the user numbers are too low. Please sign up, you donβ€˜t have to use it. Just sign up. Please.
Your friends at GitHub

A Nazi doing Nazi things⬇️
Musk Expresses Support for Far-Right Party in Germany’s Election…

Same fake β€˜secret witness’ used in multiple russian β€˜trials’ of #Crimean Tatar civic journalists and activists

They are facing huge sentences without any crime on the basis of a β€˜secret witness’ already used by the FSB for huge sentences in over ten other cases

No ha sido tiempo perdido
El dedicado al dolor.
Antes de Γ©l tenΓ­a miedo
DespuΓ©s del dolor eres otro,
Ni mejor ni peor,
Ni he crecido,
Ni me he encogido,
Pero ya no soy quien era.
Me siento extraΓ±amente libre
Porque puedo escoger
Entre causar dolor a conciencia
O impedir que otros lo sufran
Sabiendo lo que hago
Sabiendo que no queda inocencia
Una vez traspasados tus lΓ­mites,
Una vez cruzado el umbral.

Questo oggetto non lo capisco, non riesco nemmeno a dormirci dentro. Boh? 😹

This object I don't understand, I can't even sleep in it. Boh? 😹

[Tribune]πŸ”΄La gauche doit se tenir aux cΓ΄tΓ©s du peuple syrien, sans tergiverser

Β« Une large partie de la gauche a trop longtemps manquΓ© Γ  l'appel des SyrienΒ·nes. Nous devons Γ  prΓ©sent inonder cette Syrie libΓ©rΓ©e non pas d'ingΓ©rences occidentales, mais de la solidaritΓ© que nous entendons tisser entre les peuples libres, et ceux qui se battent pour leur libertΓ©, du monde entier. Β»

Dans cette tribune, un ensemble de journalistes, militant·es, enseignant·es et personnalités du monde de la recherche appellent au dépassement des clivages pour soutenir le peuple syrien et les exilé·es.…


The Communique Volume 17

Upcoming Events in the region
Mutual Aid Requests
Calls To Action
and finally Local News

We talk local infrastructure projects, drug arrests, and Jim Walsh, House of Representatives Rep for District 19, including Aberdeen. Where he lives. He is a far right Christian supremacist and a dangerous person to be the head of the WA state Republican Party. Join us as we introduce our new zine:

Kill The Poor: A Jim Walsh Primer

To subscribe to our free newsletter just send an email to

#SabotMedia #TheCommunique #JimWalsh #Aberdeen #upcomingevents #MutualAidRequest #calltoaction #LocalNews #graysharbor

Did I make a mistake by #selfhosting? Who knows.

So far, I’ve setup a relay, but I’m not sure it’s the best idea. I’m using the lower-tier option for a single-user instance, and I’m worried I’ll eat resources.

On the flip side, without a relay, federated posts just aren’t there.

I’ll give it a little time to see what the relay does. If it’s overwhelming, I’ll just β€œhand pick” content.

Unciv - Civ V remake for Android & Desktop

Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V. An open source, moddability-focused Android and Desktop remake of Civ V, made with LibGDX.


#gaming #freegames #opensource #civv #android #windows #macos #freegames

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

I thought I was over the hill on my cold but there was a second, secret hill behind the first hill. 🀧

-- J. R. R. Tolkien

US-MilliardΓ€r Musk hat sich auf seiner Plattform X erneut als AnhΓ€nger der #AfD positioniert. Die feiert den Zuspruch des Trump-Beraters. Aus anderen Parteien kamen VorwΓΌrfe der Wahleinmischung. - Grüße gehen raus an alle, die #Musk bisher unterstΓΌtzt haben. Und an jene, die immer noch X-er bleiben.…
#AfD #musk
in reply to Dr. Michael Blume

So wie er agiert und reagiert, habe ich den festen Eindruck, dass Musk komplett impulsgesteuert ist und nicht nachdenkt. Seine Posts strotzen vor Unwissenheit der Fakten. Da passt er zu Trump, bei dem das ja auch der Fall ist. Es ist mehr als ΓΌbel, wenn solche Leute die Macht haben.