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@dansup Interested! was just about to send u a message about that on discord

Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Corner: The solstice and our fragile balance | News, Sports, Jobs #Climate #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #LocalColumns #MidOhioValleyClimateCorner:TheSolsticeAndOurFragileBalance #MidOhioValleyClimateCorner:TheSolsticeAndOurFragileBalanceOpinion

"Whether it’s his posts in favor of the far-right party Alternative for Germany, which harbors Nazi sympathizers, his regular communications with Russian President Vladimir Putin, his support of neo-Fascist Italian leader Giorgia Meloni, or his enmeshment with the Chinese regime, where fully half of his Tesla cars are manufactured, Musk seems fully invested in enabling a new world order favorable to autocracy."

~ Ruth Ben-Ghiat

#ElonMusk #Trump #autocracy #Putin

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in reply to William Lindsey

"That also means helping the Kremlin help the world’s democracies to decline precipitously, starting with the United States. it’s no secret that Putin longs to have America become like Russia of the 1990s, with a population mired in poverty and desperation, the better for elites to plunder the spoils."

#ElonMusk #Trump #autocracy #Putin

in reply to William Lindsey

"Some people predict that Trump will eventually get rid of Musk, seeing the billionaire as too much competition. That is a misreading of Trump, who can take some humiliation –Russian television has mocked him and has showed nude photos of his wife—if the end goal is more profits and power for him. Autocrats are entirely transactional beings, and Trump and Musk likely have an understanding: each needs the other."

#ElonMusk #Trump #autocracy #Putin

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in reply to William Lindsey

Musk is Rasputin to Trump’s Alexandra. The carrots he is offering are just too too tempting.
in reply to William Lindsey

I thought Trump might emerge as the modern-day Hitler! Now it seems Musk might be “The One” … until, that is, he starts eclipsing Trump and gets ‘eliminated’ by his boss!

¿Buscas control total?

Arch Linux te lo da. Configura cada detalle y construye tu sistema a medida. ¡Para usuarios experimentados!

#Linux #ArchLinux #personalización #avanzado

El mundo Linux es diverso. 5 distribuciones que destacan:

Ubuntu (fácil inicio), Debian (estabilidad), Fedora (innovación), Red Hat (empresas) y Arch (control total). ¡Elige tu camino!

#Linux #distribuciones #Ubuntu #Debian #Fedora #RedHat #Arch

Video: Festplatte partitionieren: So geht's!

Moderne Linux-Distros machen es einfach, doch manuelle Partitionierung hat viele Vorteile! ✨Ich zeige dir Schritt für Schritt, wie du deine Festplatte für ein UEFI-System formatierst und deine eigene /home-Partition einrichtest.

#Partitionierung #Linux…

Word of the day "tegmina" in earwigs, grasshoppers, crickets and cockroaches this is the leathery forewing that protects their more translucent flying wings. They are similar in concept to the elytra found in beetles, but not as hard, and they often do not fully cover the back wings.

Tegmia is the plural, individually they are called tegmen.

The word is stolen from the botanists who use it to describe a protective layer found in seeds.

in reply to myrmepropagandist

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in reply to Androcat

"Etymology" in the context of bugs reminds me: when I was a teen, I worked at a grocery store, and we had a regular customer who'd legally changed her name to “Cricket". Just “Cricket”. The first time I had her as a customer and she paid with a check, she verified by showing me her driver's license with the same sig.

Haha checks. Not me revealing my age.

Anyway, back then, I was quick on the draw. I was like “That's cool. What's the entomology of that name?”


Dis masto, j'ai vu passer il y a un moment un fil ou blog, je sais plus, d'une personne racontant son expérience de combat contre un #cancer du #sein. Tu saurais me retrouver ça ? C'est pour une amie... 🤗
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to LoJo

Je sais pas ce que tu avais vu, mais en tous cas, perso j'en ai fait un blog pour aider celles qui entament le parcours.
Si ça peut servir, j'en serais ravie, c'était le but
in reply to Madame Mollette

Ah mais trop merci, c'est bien ça ! Merci merci merci pour elle et 🤗✊ pour le partage et le combat !

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Raté vos recups, Bardella, Le Pen, Zemmour et cie. L'auteur de l'attentat de Magdebourg est un activiste anti-islam et d'extrême droite. Comme vous...…

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Israeli-American historian and professor of holocaust and genocide studies at Brown University, Omer Bartov, described Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza as an act of annihilation of the Palestinian people.

Bartov says not only have Israeli forces been moving displaced Palestinians around the Gaza strip but have also been strategically bombing mosques, museums, hospitals [..] in an attempt to cleanse the entire area of Palestinians.…

🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine

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Loops isn't vaporware!

I do follow the #loops hashtag and try to resolve any issues!

Thankfully I was able to help this person resolve their issue, and they gave me permission to share these screenshots.

I need to improve the help center and am doing so with the new webUI, and apologize for onboarding issues, I didn't expect Loops to grow this fast!

[Mayotte] L’IGN vient de mettre en ligne une plateforme pour faciliter l’accès aux données les plus récentes de l’île, frappée de manière catastrophique par le cyclone Chido le 14 décembre :

Ces ressources sont aussi accessibles dans les services de la Géoplateforme et ont pu ainsi être mises à disposition des services de l’Etat via le Centre opérationnel de gestion interministérielle des crises (COGIC), des services locaux et des acteurs de terrain mobilisés...

This entry was edited (1 month ago)