@lextenebris Yeah. The end result as I am thinking it through is that I don't want to have the room be a kiln, so I need to limit the heat. (It is a fire elemental trapped in a rock, but I do not want to just handwave 'magic'.) The room should not be a super-heated deathtrap.
Oh golly. I just thought while explaining - there has been one other person down here and they might have messed with the cooling system. Oh boy thank you. (Ahahahahahahah!)
uptime.is should be even a little bit faster now... #Python
originally – and until a couple of years ago – uptime.is was a #LISP thing,
Découverte : FranceInfo fait de la réclame déguisée en contenu maintenant.
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Vertrauen in die #Universitäten #Österreich bei unter 50 Punkte! 😯🤦
#Justiz bei 27 Punkte. 🫣
Korrektur: "Punkte" und nicht Prozentwerte. Quelle: ogm.at/2024/11/01/ogm-apa-vert…
#Bildung #Universität #Vertrauensindex #Wissenschaftsskepsis #Forschung
#Universitäten #Österreich #Justiz #Bildung #Universität #Vertrauensindex #Wissenschaftsskepsis #Forschung
Und um noch was draufzulegen... Bundesheer bei 67%?
In welchem Bundesheer waren die Leute beim Grundwehrdienste? Alle die da Vertrauen in unser BH haben, müssen entweder vom Dienst befreit gewesen sein, beim Zivildienst, Untauglich, zuviel Vitamin B gehabt haben oder an Vergesslichkeit leiden und sich nur auf den Katastrophenschutz beziehen....
Es gibt offenbar auch ein paar positive Dinge beim Vertrauen in #Wissenschaft #Forschung in #Österreich: derstandard.at/story/300000025…
3 things I know about Indiana.
I already knew one of their sportsball teams is called Pacers.
I think... One of their archeologists is called Jones?
And now this:
Good morning. 🌿🌿🌿
21 December 2024
I got up early this morning, thanks once again to Ben; so, I made coffee and let the dogs out - in case you were wondering who. Now I'm up struggling while Ben and Charlie are fast asleep.
It is bundle up weather where I live in Louisiana (34° F or 1° C) which translates to shirt sleeve weather in Minnesota. Do you know what is weird? It is not surprising that the United States adopted the Imperial System of measurement along with the British Empire (British Weights and Measures Act of 1824), what is surprising is that after the rest of the world moved on to the metric system, the United States did not - change is difficult in the United States of America.
'Thus, the metric system did not really catch on in the States, unless you count the increasing popularity of the nine-millimeter bullet.' - Dave Barry
#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #morning #imperialsystem #metric_system #foliage
'Should come with an addiction warning!'
Escape to 19th-century Ireland with The Fitzgeralds of Dublin Series.
Amazon - mybook.to/FitzgeraldsSeries
Other Retailers - books2read.com/LornaPeel
#TheFitzgeraldsOfDublinSeries #BooksByLornaPeel #FamilySaga #HistoricalFiction #19thCentury #Victorian #Dublin #Ireland #IrishFiction #IrishBooks #IrishFiction #IrishHistoricalFiction #BooksSetInIreland #KindleUnlimited
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"Canvi històric: tornarà el sistema de retorn d'envasos als supermercats"
#residus #rrr #reutilizar #envasos
Building A Custom Swiss Army Knife
The Swiss Army knife is the most well-known multitool, combining a bunch of functionality into a compact package. [Jeff Gough] decided to build a custom example featuring a selection of …read more
#hacking #projects
Trump's claims of a mandate run into reality of narrow majorities (Washington Post)
Boat collision left Charlotte stranded at the surface and in danger of predation.
Merry Christmas
in reply to GeriAQuin • • •