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This Week in Plasma: Final Plasma 6.3 Features

Meta beendet laut Medien auch internes Diversitätsprogramm

Der Facobook-Konzern Meta beendet laut Medien sein Programm für mehr Chancengleichheit und Diversität. Grund soll der "Wandel der politischen Landschaft" sein. US-Präsident Biden kritisierte das Faktencheck-Aus.


#Meta #Diversität #Facebook #Instagram #Zuckerberg

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U.S., French and German envoys have warned Syria's new Islamist rulers that their appointment of foreign jihadis to senior military posts is a security concern and bad for their image.… #worldnews #syria #terrorism #syriancivilwar

Good morning.

I want to talk about something quite difficult.

I want to talk about boundaries.

Especially drawing boundaries with people you love, who may not be capable of not crossing them.


in reply to jakofields

@jakofields Thank you for saying so. I don't think I've quite crystalized my ideas on this yet. At the moment, I'm kind of rambling.

How do you mark the anniversary of past mass atrocity crimes?

How do you show respect for the millions of victims of those mass atrocity crimes?

Surely not by declaring you won’t arrest a man wanted for mass atrocity crimes today.

A truly terrible and deeply disrespectful move by Poland’s government here.


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CDK 2.10 is released!… New functionality includes:

- Reaction InChI
- RDfile reading support
- improved inorganic stereochemistry
- functional group finder
- sugar removal

And also:

- the new AtomContainer implementation is now default
- faster ring and aromaticity perception
- many more smaller tweaks and improvements


#chemistry #openscience #cheminformatics

Un article vous déplaît ? Demandez à Google de le supprimer

En exploitant les failles du système de signalement d’atteinte au droit d’auteur de Google, des officines spécialisées parviennent à invisibiliser des enquêtes journalistiques, menaçant ainsi la liberté d’informer.…

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"the same Brexiters who once insisted EU refrigeration standards for exported kippers, which turned out not to exist, were an intolerable violation of British sovereignty are now untroubled by a foreign oligarch openly engaged in overturning a British election"…

⚠️ Flash Info ⚠️

La tension monte à Riesa alors que les militants font face à la première ligne de la police anti-émeute. La manifestation contre le congrès du parti AfD débute avec une forte présence policière alors que les manifestants tentent de bloquer l'accès au lieu.

#Antifa #AfD #Allemagne…

Fakt Checking im Deutschen Fediverse - informiert bleiben und Fehlinformationen entlarven. (Update)

➡️ - Verein zur Aufklärung über Internetbetrug, Falschmeldungen
➡️ - Faktenchecks & Analysen von Diskursen.
➡️ - Investigativer Journalismus.

#Fediverse #FactChecking #FakeNews #FightFakenewsn

This entry was edited (6 hours ago)

Started playing Pokemon Yellow for GBC again. Though I got this for my original GBC I'm playing it on my Miyoo Mini Plus b/c better display.

Back in the days I was a walking Pokemon encyclopedia, but now I have forgotten everything. Even that water is very effective against rock. I'm looking it up every single f#$!ng time I play. My poor old brain. What have I become?

On the other hand: I have memorized dozens of jazz standards for guitar, so I think this I a fair tradeoff.

⚠️ Flash Info ⚠️

48h après le décès d'une jeune femme de 20 ans, qui attendait depuis plusieurs heures sur un brancard à l'hôpital de Longjumeau (91), une jeune femme de 26 ans est décédée ce vendredi dans la salle d'attente des urgences à Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (94).

#MortAuxUrgences #ServicePublic…