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Loops by Pixelfed, an open source, federated TikTok alternative.

Now in public beta,


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in reply to pixelfed

hey why I can't download your app that is not available in play store

Polish general fired after missing anti-tank mines were found in IKEA – POLITICO…

The mishap only came to light when the military was called to ask when they would collect their mines from an IKEA warehouse.

Meanwhile in #Poland


نمی‌تونم این ماست‌دونی رو روی موبایل باز کنم لذا خیلی دچار کم‌گویی میشم :)
in reply to nafise

ببین با تاسکی بهتر کار نمی‌کنه؟

Ukraine Hits Army Facility in Russia, Kyiv Source Says #Drones #MissileStrikes #Rostov #Ukraine

#OTD in 1818.

Percy Bysshe Shelley's poem "Ozymandias" appears in Leigh Hunt's weekly The Examiner (London; p. 24) under the pen name "Glirastes". Horace Smith's contribution to the same informal sonnet-writing competition, "On a Stupendous Leg of Granite, Discovered Standing by Itself in the Deserts of Egypt, with the Inscription Inserted Below" is published on February 1 under his initials.…

#books #literature #poetry

2025 is shaping up as the year when a small group of ultra-wealthy, thin-skinned, heavily-armed male fascists consolidated their grip on power, and ramped up the politics of the personal grudge....

May be this really is the last gasp of a decadent 'western civilisation' before it collapses into chaos & devastation.

No wonder the young are anxious...


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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Der Postbote war da!

Nachdem von der ersten Charge von 200 runden Franken-Tux Aufklebern nach einem halben Jahr nur noch wenige Exemplare übrig geblieben waren, haben wir daher einen Nachschlag von 300 Stück geordert. Diesmal auch in einer UV-festen Variante und diese sollen nach Herstellerangabe bis zu 7 Jahren im Freien lichtfest sein. Somit auch z.B. fürs Auto geeignet.

Erhältlich sind diese z.B. bei unseren realen Linux-Treffs Nord beim Theo.

#linux #lugfrankentux #openource #nürnberg

Most Programmers Don't Know About This in Python. #python #coding #programming…

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Contributions to Global Environmental Agendas #Adaptation #Bosnia #BosniaAndHerzegovina #BosniaHerzegovina #ClimateChange #EcosystemsAndBiodiversity #Goal11:SustainableCitiesAndCommunities #Goal13:ClimateAction #Goal16:Peace #Herzegovina #JusticeAndStrongInstitutions

L’Egitto coinvolto nelle battaglie al confine con il Sudan e l’oro illegale

L'articolo proviene dal blog di @Davide Tommasin ዳቪድ ed è stato ricondiviso sulla comunità Lemmy @Notizie dall'Italia e dal mondo

L’Egitto ha schierato elicotteri e cecchini contro i contrabbandieri di carburante e i trafficanti di esseri umani, ma sta chiudendo un occhio sul passaggio

Can’t help but think that something is missing from this very sad report of a man dying as a result of a fall brought on by not being able to obtain his epilepsy medication from his local pharmacy…could it be the word #Brexit?

Surely it’s basic journalism to ask and find out why there is a shortage of a particular drug?…

friendica - Link to source

in reply to simona

comunque non ho mai voluto negare le politiche USA assurde fatte in centro america o sud america. da cittadina europea però dovendo scegliere al momento scegliere il blocco russo non è un miglioramento, né ideologico, né pratico o economico. gli USA in europa praticano un parziale condizionamento economico, diluito da un'economia mondiale eterogenea e "multipolare" ma di certo non come cittadini europei, perlomeno in europa, non possiamo permettere un peggioramento passando e un ottocentesco imperialismo basato su conquiste militari di territori. perché quello che avviene in ucraina avviene in europa. già bastava il problema bielorusso. o ungheria e sabotaggi UE interni.

Has anyone got any recommendations for a good article summarising all the bad things about Meta, not just the latest stuff about moderation and hate speech, but the surveillance and all the rest? Something I can use to help persuade people on to alternatives to Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and WhatsApp. Thanks!
#Meta #facebook #instagram #whatsapp #threads
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Luke Martell

I wrote this quite a few years ago, definitely needs updating, but it's at least partially what you're looking for, I think.…

#OTD in 1879.

During construction of an extension to Birmingham Central Library in England, a fire destroys 50,000 books and the original manuscript of the Coventry Mystery Plays (including the "Coventry Carol").……

Coventry Carol at PG (as audio book):

#books #literature

Why right-wing influencers are blaming the California wildfires on diversity efforts

Prominent right-wing influencers are claiming that the response to the Los Angeles wildfires was hampered by workplace diversity policies. It's part of a wider strategy to discredit those policies.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Behind the world's falling birth rate(s) lies a fall in the number of people (seemingly) in relationships;

the retreat from coupledom has many causes (from social changes to social media) but looks to be (re)shaping the world.

The big Q. then becomes: if this continues, what does a world dominated by single people look like?

Or will this shift back as the young find the value of companionship again?

Much of our future may depend on these choices.


h/t John Burn-Murdoch/FT

in reply to Emeritus Prof Christopher May

The planet will enjoy fewer people, The Economy will not.

I feel the planet has the better attitude.