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Things I have learnt this week:
1. trying to migrate your #Pixelfed account to a new server will go horribly wrong and if you migrate back again you'll find you've lost all your followers.
2. Using Pixelfed is going to make you feel that the #fediverse naysayers might have a point re ease of use.

Anyway if you were previously following you might want to check because I'm not sure you are now.

in reply to Snaprails

The follower migration bug is being worked on, as long as you don't delete your 2 accounts, we will ship a fix to migrate them properly.

Hope you stick with us, and if not, I wish you the best on your photo sharing journey!

Vi ricordo che potete seguire il mio account su direttamente da Mastodon grazie alla magia del fediverso:


potete seguire tutti gli utenti pixelfed e condividere le loro foto qui su mastodon ma per pubblicare le immagini su pixelfed serve creare un account nuovo:

l'account su pixelfed potrà poi essere seguito da #mastodon, basterà cercare l'indirizzo dell'account #pixelfed nel box di ricerca mastodon

:diggita: @fediverso

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Scientists successfully used lab-grown viruses to make cancer cells resemble pig tissue, provoking an organ-rejection response, tricking the immune system into attacking the cancerous cells. This ruse can halt a tumour’s growth or even eliminate it altogether, data from monkeys and humans suggest. #Science

Viste le notizie che arrivano da oltre oceano, sarebbe una bella cosa se lasciassimo le piattaforme tech americane e provassimo a usare app europee o comunque in linea con i principi europei. Le alternative non mancano (mancano gli utenti semmai). Sapete qual è l'unica funzionalità che ci manca? L'omino per la vista 3D di Google Maps. 🧭


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in reply to Matt Hodgkinson


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in reply to Matt Hodgkinson


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This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

I've received 5 VC offers "to chat" regarding Pixelfed in the past few days.

Not for sale.

Pixelfed belongs to the people.

I'd rather be broke and true to my beliefs, than sell out.

That's why I'm organizing a Kickstarter to fund the ethical development of Pixelfed, Loops and more.

It's time that someone stood up to them, instead of joining them.

Are you with me?…

@marionline I've finished my next story in time to start posting it on Tuesday -- it's not the biggest buffer I've ever had in terms of page count, but at nine weeks, it might be the furthest I've ever worked ahead.

What are you up to?

Passionate about open-source software? 🌟
📌 Join Dolibarr at FOSDEM 2025 in Brussels!

On February 1st and 2nd, Dolibarr will be at FOSDEM, one of the largest European events dedicated to the world of open source. This unmissable gathering will take place at the ULB campus in Brussels.

More information here:

We can’t wait to welcome you to share, learn, and shape the future of open-source technologies.

#FOSDEM2025 #Dolibarr #fosdem #OpenSource…

J’ai quitté Lightroom et Adobe car leur politique tarifaire m’exaspérait. D’ailleurs, résilier son compte est compliqué à souhait 🤬 De plus je n’ai plus que de l’ #opensource

J’utilise #darktable pour remplacer Lightroom. Techniquement très bon, mais l’ergonomie est vraiment pas bonne. Est-ce que quelqu'un peut me recommander de bons #tutos ?

#photo #linux #photography

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After major 2024 defeats, the Democratic Party searches for a new direction

The Democratic Party begins 2025 with several looming questions. Among them: who will lead its national party apparatus, and how it will handle President-elect Donald Trump's second term.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Paul Ferguson reshared this.

We had a most wonderful first meetup of the year this Thursday at Taiste. The talks and hallway discussions were so captivating that we forgot to toot about it.

Ilkka Vuorio opened the night by talking about Jupyter and Marimo notebooks and how to deal with them better when using git for version control.

@jpakkane introduced us to Meson build tool and CapyPDF generator he has built.

FInally, @hugovk brought us the newest updates from the Python ecosystem.

It was a wonderful evening, thanks to everyone who joined.

Our next event is Thu 13.2., more info later.

#Python #archipylago #TurkuDev

great to see all these institutes joining open infrastructure with hate speech, fake news, and full of inclusiveness and warmth. the screenshot is the indexing in @wikidata

#Wikidata #Mastodon

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

#interview : a conservation, or questioning, for the purpose of eliciting information for publication

- French: Entrevue

- German: das Interview

- Italian: intervista

- Portuguese: entrevista

- Spanish: entrevista


Fill in missing translations @…

Earlier this week an opinion piece authored by me and a number of great colleagues was published on the @upstream blog. Our piece introduces criteria for innovation-friendly bibliographic databases

We express our deep concerns about the treatment of @eLife by the #WebOfScience and #Scopus databases. We see this as an example of databases hindering rather than supporting innovation in scholarly communication and research assessment.


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