so... this is news to me, because I don't have a VR set, but I can set my XR glasses into SBS (side by side) mode and can watch some YT videos in 3D like that if the aspect ratio and order fits. Otherwise I have to download them first, which is a pain, so I can fix that in software like VLC or Bino or even ffplay.
So far so good.
18th January, at 18:00 hours GMT
Metropolitan Opera
Puccini's 'Tosca'
Lise Davidsen: Tosca.
Freddie De Tommaso: Cavaradossi.
Quinn Kelsey: Scarpia.
Metropolitan Opera Choir and Orchestra.
Conductor: Yannick Nézet-Séguin.…
Puccini's 'Tosca' with Davidsen, De Tommaso, Kelsey and Carfizzi from New York - Schedule // -
Puccini's 'Tosca' is an opera in three acts to an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa. The work, based on Victorien Sardou's 1887 French-language dramatic play, La Tosca, is a melodramatic piece set in Rome in
classicalmusic group reshared this.
Robots to AI, the technology behind Trump’s plan to seal the Southern Border
Kevin Cohen, the CEO and co-founder of Tel Aviv-based startup RealEye, opens his computer, ready to introduce the tools that he believes will keep America’s borders more secure.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Hank G ☑️ likes this.
reshared this
Quand NVDA dit "Ouvrir le chat", j'ai de nouveau la confirmation que conserver l'écriture "tchat" pour l'outil de discussion est la chose à faire.
En plus, du fait que, moi-même, je comprends parfois mal certaines discussions françaises où il est écrit "chat" pour "tchat".
Ce que tu dis là me conforte dans mon choix.
Operettenabend – Live aus dem Theater an der Wien
Audio: Ö1, Sa. 18.01., ab 19.00 Uhr
Video: 3Sat, 20:16 - 22:54 Uhr
Johann Strauss: „Das Spitzentuch der Königin“
Diana Haller (Der König),
Elissa Huber (Die Königin),
Beate Ritter (Donna Irene),
Regina Schörg (Marquise von Villareal),
Arnold Schoenberg Chor,
Wiener KammerOrchester,
Dirigent: Martynas Stakionis……
ORF Sound
ORF Sound ist das digitale Audio-Angebot des ORF. Alle öffentlich-rechtlichen Radiosender Österreichs live und die besten Inhalte kuratiert, 30 Tage on
classicalmusic group reshared this.
The education of Elon and Vivek…
Hank G ☑️ likes this.
Niri honetan deigarrien egin zaidana da zelan uztartuko ote duten armagintzan eta nuklearretan inbertitzeko proposamen hori "Save the Children"eko kide ere diren Zedarriak-eko bi kideek.⬇️…
berria - Zedarriak taldeak egindako adierazpenak kritikatu dituzte Gasteizkoak eta BEA elkarte antimilitaristek. Industria militarra moldatu eta «gizartearentzat baliagarria izango den ekoizpen arlo» bilakatzea proposatu dute.…
«Gerratik etekina atera nahi izatea» gaitzetsi dute antimilitaristek
Zedarriak taldeak egindako adierazpenak kritikatu dituzte Gasteizkoak eta BEA elkarte antimilitaristek. Industria militarra moldatu eta «gizartearentzat baliagarria izango den ekoizpen arlo» bilaka...Berria…
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Tentative d'assassinat contre des juges de la Cour suprême iranienne aux mains rouges du sang de centaines de et Kurdes
Lors d'une attaque survenu aujourd'hui à 10h45 (heure locale), trois juges de la Cour suprême d'Iran ont été la cible d'une tentative d'assassinat devant le parc Shahre à Téhéran.
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Tentative d'assassinat contre des juges de la Cour suprême iranienne aux mains rouges du sang de
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Against the Darkmaster - Nuevos Linajes - Other Selves | Against the Darkmaster |
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Cryptomancien - Intrigues à Prantis (Campagne) - Les XII Singes | Cryptomancien |
Cryptomancien - Intrigues à Prantis (Campagne)
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Floor Plan (three-story inn) - Dead Fly Press |
A three-story inn simple floor plans. Cover + one page with area names + 3 pages one floor each (no writing) = 5 pages (
🚀 Grande nouvelle !
Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer que l’intervention de Richard Stallman sera diffusée en direct pour permettre à tous d’y assister, même à distance. 🌐
📅 Rendez-vous le 20 janvier 2025
🕕 À partir de 18h30
📍 Salle du Conseil de Montpellier 3M (50 place de Zeus, 34000 Montpellier)
🔴 Lien pour suivre le live :…
👉Pour plus d'infos sur l'évent :…
Événement ouvert à tous !
Logiciels libres et Intelligence Artificielle par M. Richard Stallman
Retrouvez Richard STALLMAN ce lundi 20 janvier 2025, à 18h30 en salle du Conseil, à Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole pour une intervention de sur le logici...YouTube
Sauf si vous avez des info exclusives qui dédouanent totalement Stallman des agissements et propos qu’on lui prête, cette invitation pose un gros problème.
Cf (par exemple)…
Pourquoi Richard M. Stallman doit dégager de la scène du logiciel libre
Depuis l’affirmation des campagnes #MeToo et #BalanceTonPorc, c’est l’hécatombe parmi les harceleurs, agresseurs sexuels et autres violeurs et petites raclures misogynes. Des grands noms de la TV, des patrons, des artistes, des youtubeurs… etc.Korben (Le site de Korben)
The Stallman report
October 14th, 2024 Richard Stallman (aka “RMS”) is the founder of GNU and the Free Software Foundation and present-day voting member of the Free Software Foundation (FSF) board of directors and “Chief GNUisance” of the GNU project.The Stallman report
Country diary: Why does the bird bob its head? | Environment
The morning after the night’s frost, the field basks in sunshine. Waders are foraging among the grazing sheep and my gaze falls on the bobbing head of a redshank as it probes a tuft of grass. A golden plover dashes past and my view switches.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Beko Pharm
in reply to Beko Pharm • • •Apparently some games can do this as well, if I got the gist right. Elite Dangerous has this for example and I will totally try that later. And apparently it's also possible to force for other well known games via Reshade or sth? Pretty intrigued.
Probably old news to most but this is insanely difficult to wrap the head around without prior knowledge or fancy apps that do the trick.
Beko Pharm
in reply to Beko Pharm • • •Holy crap. That works! Could even add head tracking to the mix. Bam. It's not #VR but certainly 3D _even on foot_ on my #XR glasses. GUI is a tad smol but hey… can't have everything no? My glasses are 3840x1080 pixel 60Hz in that mode 🙃
Wonder if this can somewhat more adjusted but I found no obvious option in #SBS mode of #EliteDangerous
Demo video is rendering but that definitely needs some sort of 3D glasses or a smartphone contraption to watch.
Ben Moran
in reply to Beko Pharm • • •Beko Pharm
in reply to Ben Moran • • •Ben Moran
in reply to Beko Pharm • • •B. Kramer
in reply to Beko Pharm • • •Head tracking would be a good place to start. From what I've seen, VR doesn't work once you get on-foot, and it just shows you a static screen in VR space.
#VR #XR #SBS #EliteDangerous
Beko Pharm
in reply to B. Kramer • • •Beko Pharm
in reply to B. Kramer • • •@BenKramer I checked again. SBS sticks to 3D on foot but on foot is no head tracking used.
This is afaik how Elite works.
What could be done is use the Mouse Output of the Breezy project where positional data is send to a virtual mouse. I'd have to try this on the Steam Deck though as I don't use this mode on desktop (it'd drive me mad when tabbing out of the game)
Beko Pharm
in reply to Beko Pharm • • •Think I got the aspect ratio somewhat under control. It's not perfect but much better. At this point I think it's simply a bug of #EliteDangerous. It's like the HUD doesn't get the rescaling memo after the intro played.
The settings make _no sense_ to me but I can live with that. SBS (right/left side) images attached. The HUD is now at least readable and not squished too much.
Edit: Video footage is up:…
- YouTube