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Consumer Sentiment Improves Slightly in January #KBS #KBSNews #KBSToday #Korea #KoreaNews #News #SouthKorea #SouthKoreaNews

I just set up a low $ monthly donation to #Wikipedia.

It's not much. It's half a drop in a bucket the size of Alaska.

But I use Wikipedia almost daily (even if the articles themselves aren't always useful, the cited sources are a treasure tribe), and this is something tangible I can do to help preserve truths and facts that fascists don't want any of us to know or remember.


Trump pardoning the insurrectionists is going to fuel even more MAGA-inspired terrorism.…

If you live in #Maryland save CASA’s ICE Encounters Hotline in your contacts list: 888-214-6016

#immigrants #immigration

SDL3 is officially released!…

reshared this

Someone is scraping one of the sites I am maintaining; but they are doing it in the silliest way.

Almost no traffic, then just periodically, THOUSANDS OF REQUESTS PER SECOND!

Knocks the site offline every-time it happens. Doesn't even give things a chance to scale.

Then, when the majority of those requests fail, they give up.

The most annoying thing is that all this traffic comes in from a bunch of different IPs, mostly Chinese residential IPs; so blocking known hosting/vpn IPs won't work. Geoblocking probably would work, but I don't want to.

Its public info, if whoever is scraping the site could just use SOME chill I don't think anyone would even care

in reply to Chrisshy Keygen

somebody asked copilot to write a web scraper and it did a bad job

WATCH: Trump discusses pardoning Jan. 6 rioters in first news conference

Posted into Headlines @headlines-PBSNewsHour

GOP senator surprised by Trump’s ‘blanket pardon’ of Jan. 6 defendants

Posted into Headlines @headlines-PBSNewsHour

Remembering the victims of the deadly Los Angeles wildfires

Posted into Headlines @headlines-PBSNewsHour

Na klar: Wieder neue Fördergelder für linksradikale Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftung… Je mehr das linke Kartell aus Politik, Medien und seinen zahllosen Kostgängern ins Wanken gerät, desto verzweifelter bemüht es sich, seine Kritiker als Rechtsextreme zu diffamieren und sie auf Kosten der Steuerzahler zu bekämpfen. Auch die linksradikale, von der ehemaligen Stasi-Informantin Anetta

From TikTok to TrumpTok? The app’s banning and unbanning encapsulates everything wrong with US politics | Arwa Mahdawi #Politics

Trump kündigt Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen auf: Die Grünen sind empört… Der neue US-Präsident Donald Trump machte sein Versprechen wahr und warf das Pariser Klimaabkommen per Dekret kurzerhand über Bord. Die Grünen schäumen. #news #press

Last year was also the warmest on record when looking at temperatures averaged across only the Northern Hemisphere (including for the land, ocean, or land+ocean).

See more at…. Data from NOAAGlobalTemp v6.0.0.

in reply to Zack Labe

So sieht eine Kurve aus, nachdem mindestens ein Kipppunkt überschritten wurde.

Business result 2024: Vietnam’s SeABank achieves PBT of US$238.2 million #business

this is 100%, completely serious how some of you act on here. i forgot about this screenshot. my god does it apply though.


in reply to Amber

one of the things from a class I took in the military, that has always stuck with me.

Is that Psychological War is ultimately the best form of war. Because when properly applied to a poorly educated poli, they will never know they’re losing. Control is easily maintained and there is no need for force.