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Zelenskyy says Russia-Ukraine peace deal would require 200,000 allied troops #BreakingNews #GlobalNews #LatestNews #News #World #WorldNews
in reply to Bytes Europe

Going to be hard, considering that Trump is about to trigger a steep drop in military enlistment & reenlistment.

Trumps Kampf gegen den Tiefen Staat und das Vermächtnis der Biden-Jahre… Donald Trump hat angekündigt, am ersten Tag seiner Amtszeit einen ganzen Berg von Dekreten unterschreiben zu wollen, um mit dem Erbe der Biden-Jahre, mit dem LGBT- und Genderwahn und anderem neoliberalen Unsinn aufzuräumen. Die unter Trump neu erstellte Seite des Weißen Hauses listet über 40 Meldungen über Trumps

Trump pardons Silk Road operator Ross Ulbricht

The pardon fulfills a campaign promise made to the president’s crypto diehards.

Where are you right now?
#Mastodon #Fediverse #AskFediverse

  • South America (3%, 5 votes)
  • North America (47%, 63 votes)
  • Europe (36%, 48 votes)
  • Asia, Antarctica, Australia (12%, 17 votes)
133 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

Writing the worst Datalog ever in 26loc.…


Writing the Worst Datalog Ever in 26loc

Beginn der Präsidentschaftswahlen in Weißrussland: Lukaschenko verzichtet auf Debatten… In Weißrussland hat die vorzeitige Stimmabgabe für die Präsidentschaftswahlen begonnen, die noch bis Samstag andauern wird. Eigentlicher Wahltag ist der Sonntag. Zur Wahl stehen fünf Kandidaten, darunter Amtsinhaber Alexander Lukaschenko. Sollte er gewinnen, begänne seine siebte Amtszeit.

I am a truly monstrous person

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in reply to Kim Scheinberg

I am a truly monstrous person

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A Hitler salute is a Hitler salute is a Hitler salute, says Zeit

Politics, prediction of violence by those pardoned

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in reply to AI6YR Ben

re: Politics, prediction of violence by those pardoned

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in reply to Diane

re: Politics, prediction of violence by those pardoned

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in reply to Diane

re: Politics, prediction of violence by those pardoned

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Trump in Disbelief as Bishop Calls Him Out in Inaugural Prayer |
The Washington National Cathedral bishop criticized the new president as he just sat there and watched. #America #Politics #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USPolitics #USA #USAPolitics

Chicago's immigrant communities brace for immigration crackdowns

President Donald Trump has said immigration crackdowns will begin soon. It's not clear where, but in recent days Chicago has come under the spotlight. Immigrant communities in the city are bracing.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Greater Phoenix economic outlook: Uncertainty, growth and inflation

Two years after Phoenix topped the nation with an inflation rate of 13%, the rate is now among the lowest in major metro areas.

January 21, 2025, 4:33 pm MST…

in reply to kjzz

I never understood what makes Phoenix tick. No rivers, no oceans, blazing heat. What drives this monster city in the desert?
Unknown parent

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I feel like it hasn't been cheaper since maybe the 90s?

From Project Gutenberg:

Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Vorzeit (Jg. 26, 1879)Neue Folge

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The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are two dwarf galaxies that orbit the Milky Way. At approximately 163,000 and 206,000 light years away, respectively, they're only visible in the Southern Hemisphere and are a treat for eyes accustomed to the night skies of the Northern Hemisphere. I captured this single exposure photo of the pair while visiting Patagonian Argentina in January 2020. The mountain rising in the foreground is illuminated by the nearby lights of El Chaltén, which sits at the gateway to a near pristine wilderness in the foothills of the Andes Mountains and the Southern Patagonian Ice Field.

#magellanicclouds #largemagellaniccloud #smallmagellaniccloud #space #astronomy #stars #astrophotography #patagonia #argentina

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Donald Trump rettet die USA vor einer Diktatur… Als einen seiner ersten Schritte hat der neue amerikanische Präsident Donald Trump eine Order erlassen, nach der die USA die WHO verlassen. Die Gesundheitsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen. Diesen Schritt hatte er schon 2020 zum Ende seiner ersten Amtszeit und zum Beginn der Corona-Pandemie vorbereitet. Doch sein Nachfolger Joe Biden verhinderte den Austritt der USA aus

B.C. Premier David Eby asks Canadians to think carefully about spending money in U.S. #Canada #CanadaPolitics #Politics