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President Trump orders the Secretary of Transportation and the FAA to “immediately return to non-discriminatory, merit-based hiring” and rescind DEI initiatives.…

Verklagungen und Unrundlichkeiten… Ein flotter Dreier in der Affäre Gelbhaar. Ein Leser weist auf diese Dreiecksbeziehung hin, die die BZ beschreibt: Stefan Gelbhaar verklagt den RBB (in Hamburg, nicht in Berlin…) und habe „gewonnen“ (hört sich aber eher nach einer einstweiligen Vergügung an) Mittlerweile hat die ARD-Anstalt Strafanzeige gegen die Grünen-Bezirkspolitikerin Shirin Kreße (27) erstattet. Sie soll sich […]

Breath of Oblivion by Maurice Broaddus: Review by Nedine Moonsamy…

William Price Statue in Llantrisant, Wales

Surgeon, scholar, activist, eccentric. This statue remembers a curious figure in Wales’ history.#activism #statues #section-Atlas

Biden begnadigte Rekordzahl von Tausenden Straftätern… Joe Biden hat in seiner Amtszeit bis zum 21. Januar 2025 die meisten Begnadigungen unter US-Präsidenten vorgenommen. Seit seinem Amtsantritt ...
The post Biden begnadigte Rekordzahl von Tausenden Straftätern appeared first on Apollo News. #news #press

🐧 Untitled Linux Show 186: Accidental Honeypot - @jp_bennett & team discuss R-Sync updates, Plasma, Kernel 6.13 & 6.14, and Fedora on Windows. Don't miss the fun! 🖥️✨ #Linux #OpenSource 🎧

Today, for reasons, I've submitted a PR to a certain Vim (I use Vim BTW™) plugin to add Erlang Language Server integration;…

... If functional folks out there that wanna share `*pointers` I'd likely welcome 'em ;-)

#development #erlang #foss #git #github #programming #software #vim

If anyone wants to volunteer for @vulpinelabs let me know are we need those who want to design for accessibility and furgonomics (furry ergonomics) for a gene editing system as our main contributer doesn't understand it's importance even in pre-alpha

#accessibility #ergonomics #transspecies #geneeditingtechnology #geneediting #accessibility #accessible #screenreader #ScreenReaderFriendly #touchscreen #touchscreens #lowres #linux #qt #qtcreator #pre-alpha #developer #development #ui #uidesign #ux

This morning, my installation of #Debian went "dark." Halfway through booting, while commands are still going down the screen, it goes from full brightness to minimum brightness, and adjusting the brightness doesn't make a different. I can move the slider up and down, but it stays at minimum.

Logging out and logging in again doesn't change anything; the brightness dims before #Gnome boots up anyway.

I'm baffled and would be grateful for suggestions.

#Linux #FLOSS #FOSS #Open Source

This will never happen, but Apple should bring back macOS Server and allow self-hosted data storage as an alternative to iCloud.

#Apple #macOS #macOSServer #iCloud #SelfHosting #Wishlist #WishfulThinking

#linux #infosec #privacy

"Estoy completamente comprometido a mejorar mis habilidades de codificación (C++, Bash, Python), obtener una certificación en Seguridad de la Información y conseguir un trabajo en TI.

Sin importar los desafíos que enfrente.

No puedo olvidarme de mis habilidades en diseño gráfico. Pronto habrá nuevos diseños."

🐄 Fun with Linux: Cowsay! 🐄
Install it:
$ sudo apt-get install cowsay
$ cowsay "Hi, How are you?"
$ cowsay -l
$ cowsay -f ghostbusters "Who you Gonna Call?"
Your terminal just got a lot more fun! 😆

#linux #linuxmint


I know a lot of my followers depend on @GottaLaff for breaking news - so note that she changed servers (it’s subtle):

reshared this

Am 8. Februar nach #Chemnitz zum gemütlichen #Winterchaos – Zwischen Retro-Computern, Waffeln und USB-C-Schnittstellen, mit einem Programm aus Vorträgen, Lightning Talks und der ersten Ausgabe von „Schlag den Rob“

Top post on r/HOCKEY.

A bastion for wokeness and DEI, surely?