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Pardons that Trump would have liked to have made:

- Charlie Manson
- Bernie Madoff
- Adolph Hitler
- Ted Bundy
- Pablo Escobar
- John Wayne Gacy
- Jeff Dahmer
- The Zodiac Killer

#TrumpDidThis #RepublicansDidThis #RepublicansOwnThis #GOPKakistocracy #GOPWeirdos #NoRepublicansEverAgain #USPol

Letter to rep about trump insurrectionist pardons, uspol

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The story with Fetterman is that he has always been opportunistic. He showed his true self holding up a Black jogger at gunpoint because he hears fireworks and wanted to be a hero. Never apologized. But talked a good game on weed and the weed bro contingent of the Dems fell in love.


in reply to Gwen Snyder is uncivil

He had a stroke before right before he won his Senate position and while I have hesitated to say this in the past because there was SO much ableist stuff about it coming from the right... I think we are at the point where it's pretty undeniable that his personality changed dramatically.
in reply to Gwen Snyder is uncivil

Specifically, around risk-taking and impulse control. It's pretty well-documented that he is an absolute menace on the road to the point where he scares staff. And where he used to have the best comms operation in the state, he is clearly just doing his own troll thing now

Vaclav Havel, “The Power of the Powerless”

Honestly, everyone should read it.…

in reply to Alexander Karn

"Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics. It pretends not to possess an omnipotent and unprincipled police apparatus. It pretends to respect human rights. It pretends to persecute no one. It pretends to fear nothing. It pretends to pretend nothing."

--V. Havel (1978)

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in reply to Alexander Karn

"To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power, because there is no basis upon which to do so. If nothing is true, then all is spectacle. The biggest wallet pays for the most blinding lights."

--T. Snyder (2017)

reshared this

MANILA, Philippines — For the second time, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) once again moved the printing of ballots for the midterm polls in May after the Supreme Court (SC) issued two new temporary restraining orders (TROs).

Read more:

Yesterday, Trump signed an executive order directing the expansion of federal use of the death penalty and encouraging states to do the same. The death penalty is unjust and cruel.…

From #DonaldTrump EO:

"“‘Female’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell,”... “‘Male’ means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.”

...All fetuses have phenotypically female genitalia until they reach six to seven weeks of gestation...

By describing a fetus as a person from conception, Trump has legitimized fetal personhood."…

#Politics #Women #HumanRights #US #USA

Asexuality Is Finally Breaking Free from Medical Stigma | Scientific American…

#asexuality #ace #asexual

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Daffodils, camellias, wintersweet and Japanese apricots are known as 'setchū-no-shiyū' (雪中四友), the 'Four Friends of the Snow'.

keeping company
with the plum tree-
the gate's last snow
-Kobayshi Issa (小林一茶), 1822.
Trans. David G. Lanoue.

#wagashi #和菓子 #japanesesweets #雪中四友 #fourfriendsofthesnow #Japan #Kyoto

in reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony

Offering colour at winter's end, it was believed that daffodils, camellias, wintersweet and Japanese apricots were at their most fragrant when it snowed.

Collectively known as the '4 Friends of the Snow', the 'setchū-no-shiyū' (雪中四友) were a particularly popular subject for Chinese painters.

#雪中四友 #FourFriendsoftheSnow #winter #snow

in reply to Camellia Tea Ceremony

Toward January's end guests are served 'rōbai' (蝋梅), named after the fragrant 'yellow wax plum' which blooms at this time of year. As the name suggests, the beehive-yellow blossoms look as if they have been carefully crafted from wax.

Known as wintersweet in English, rōbai were introduced to Japan from China in the 17thC.
They are not related to the Japanese plum.

#蝋梅 #Japan #wintersweet #yellowwaxplum… - Never forget these words.

Presidents are temporary.
Wu-Tang is forever.

Show the world your Wu-Tang style.

Trump Says He Will Impose 10% Tariffs on Chinese Imports on Feb. 1 (Alan Rappeport/New York Times)……

Trump pardons Silk Road creator Ross Ulbricht (Sareen Habeshian/Axios)……

make tesla owners uncomfortable, uspol

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in reply to Michael Lucas

make tesla owners uncomfortable, uspol

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in reply to Michael Lucas

make tesla owners uncomfortable, uspol

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