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in reply to Darth Hideout πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

A lot of Americans get wrapped up in arguing about the phrase "under God" being in the Pledge of Allegiance, when what we should be arguing about is having a loyalty oath at all.

As a kid, this never sat right with me. It felt like something from an Orwell novel, not something people in a free society should be doing.

Even if it is not mandatory, even encouraging kids to do this every morning is fucking creepy. You expect this in a totalitarian state.…


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Oxford researchers call for framework to study AI’s impact on youth mental health #AdolescentHealth #Adolescents #ArtificialIntelligence #Children #Health #MentalHealth #Research #Technology

From Project Gutenberg:

Heart-Histories and Life-Pictures

by T. S. (Timothy Shay) Arthur

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Γ–sterreichs Tourismus auf Rekordkurs: Zahlen, Herausforderungen und Trends… Γ–sterreich erlebt einen nie dagewesenen Boom im Tourismus. Sowohl die Sommersaison 2024 als auch die beginnende Wintersaison 2024/25 verzeichnen HΓΆchstwerte bei Übernachtungen und UnterkΓΌnften. Dieser Erfolg bringt nicht nur wirtschaftliche Impulse, sondern auch neue Herausforderungen fΓΌr das Land und seine

As expected, Trump’s first day in office brought chaos. Immigration, LGBTQ+ rights, and federal programs were all targeted in his first wave of executive ordersβ€”but not everything will stick. The Big Picture breaks it all down, including which of Trump's actions are legal and which are likely to fail in the courts.…

Small march took off from the rally happening at waterfront downtown. Within 10 minutes state troopers started arresting random people quite violently. People that were standing on the sidewalk got grabbed and thrown into walls, shoved to the ground. One person who was already detained by a state trooper got punched in the face by another state trooper.

It's Going Down reshared this.

in reply to Alissa Azar

all five people arrested last night are yet to be released. Super unusual for portland and not sure what’s going on.
in reply to Alissa Azar

They were all arrested by OSP (state troopers). There has been some speculation by folks that this is the reason they are being held until arraignments, but that is not the case.

I worry this is intentional to make the process even more painful. Portlands new DA, Vasquez, ran his campaign on law & order and was directly going after Schmidt's (old DA) β€œleniency” towards protest cases.

Trump Announces $500 Billion AI Investment Initiative to Spur Growth #AI #ArtificialIntelligence

Jag skriver om boken RΓΆrelsesocialism, om mitt eget engagemang inom VΓ€nsterpartiet, om KamratdatafΓΆreningen Konstellationen och olika projekt jag funderar pΓ₯

shitpost, nazi humor

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McKinsey regional chief says confident in Chinese economy-Xinhua #economy #interview #SwitzerlandDavosMckinsey…
in reply to Ambassador Plebeian A∴Aβˆ΄β˜‘οΈ β˜‘οΈ

This is very controlled opposition if you know what a hardcore Zionist Avi Yemeni is. They seem to be propping up the gentile front. I will believe Musk is actually a nationalist when his actions prove it.

Hoffnung auf Fortsetzung des Krieges: ZDF-Korrespondent enpuppt sich als KriegsbefΓΌrworter… Immer mehr ΓΆffentlich-rechtliche Anstalten verfehlen ihren Auftrag, ausgewogen und neutral zu berichten. Der ZDF-Korrespondent in den USA outete sich nun vor Millionen Zuschauern als BefΓΌrworter des Ukraine-Kriegs. #news #press

Trump has ended DEI hiring in the Federal Aviation Administration, per Axios.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Fresh vegetables return to market stalls in central Gaza


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photography group reshared this.

New Portland city council dives into Zenith Energy permitting battle #Energy…

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in reply to fraterchaos

Can someone with time please create a list (maybe AI-compiled?) of every public figure and institution who tries to sanewash or otherwise obfuscate the fact that trump's main financier and the richest person in the world, elon musk (who has openly and enthusiastically advocated for Germany's far-right, closest-to-hitler political party), did a full-on, unambiguous nazi salute at trump's post-inauguration rally for the maga rabble? (Ideally the database containing such a list would also include screenshots of anyone ["public" or not] defending musk -- just to have it on record.)