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Netflix has crushed it's new subscriber goals so much it's celebrating with a price increase!

#Streaming #Netflix

“The Crypto Ball” is what they’re calling the inauguration this year. Literally sounds like an event hosted by the next Bond villain.

Democracy Matters reshared this.

Just hours after being sworn in Monday, a reporter asked Trump about his demand that NATO member states spend at least five percent of their GDP on defense, citing Spain’s defense spending level.

The president responded completely incorrectly.

"Spain is very low. And yet, are they a BRICS nation?” Trump asked.

“What?” the reporter replied.
“They’re a BRICS nation, Spain. You know what a BRICS nation is? You’ll figure it out,”
Trump said, managing to be both snide and wrong
The ‘S’ in BRICS does not stand for Spain at all.
The countries in BRICS are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, and new member states Egypt, Ethiopia, Indonesia, UAE, and Iran.
No state in the entire European Union is a member of BRICS.
Here’s hoping that the president of the United States will eventually “figure it out.”…

in reply to Chuck Darwin

Words mean ...…

NEWS: A hearing is set for Thursday morning in a lawsuit filed by four states challenging Trump’s executive order restricting birthright citizenship. The Seattle case is one of at least four lawsuits already filed across the country challenging Monday’s order.

Tonight, at Law Dork:…

in reply to Chris Geidner

More from the Pro Life My Ass dept:
“[s]ome mothers … may be driven by the Executive Order to induce labor or schedule a cesarean section before the effective date, risk harm to their health and the health of their baby.”

*the effective date is 30 days from yesterday (the date of the executive order)

B.C. Premier David Eby asks Canadians to think carefully about spending money in U.S.…

Unusual Whales is the only place to watch Pelosi’s trades as they happen.

Take her call options.

Watch them live:

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Donald Trump may receive an 'unconditional discharge' for his hush money conviction tomorrow, meaning no prison time or parole. A constitutional law expert explains the mechanics and reasoning for this potential sentence.… #politics #criminaljustice
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

Honestly, it works. This particular saga began with an unconditional discharge, and now it ends with one.


Migrantes acurrucados durante noche gélida en la Frontera, pronta inauguración de Trump…
Mientras que la era Biden termina y una nueva administración de Trump está a punto de comenzar —con planes de lanzar un esfuerzo masivo de deportación— 18 migrantes esperaron durante la noche fría del desierto de Arizona para la oportunidad de solicitar asilo.
#Tucson #Arizona

Israel considers sending captured Russian-made weapons to Ukraine, embassy reports – Euromaidan Press #GeopoliticalAnalysis #GeopoliticalNews #Geopolitics #Politics

Houghton is in the process of digitizing a collection of 19th century photographic portraits of African Americans. More than 100 are online so far.…
in reply to John Overholt

@jessamyn I’ve never understood how you can claim rights in a mechanical copy. I know that archives do, but I can’t imagine that it would survive a legal challenge. That said, yeah for HL’s sensible approach!
in reply to karen coyle

@kcoyle @jessamyn You can't, in the US, though it doesn't stop people from claiming copyright on verbatim reproductions of public domain work.

In the UK it's a little muddier, but still just as gross.

Only creative work attracts a new copyright. Making a faithful duplication that by design does as little interpretation as possible does not give rise to a new copyright.

SPÖ-Spitzenkandidat zeichnet mit Ausdrücken und Feuerwehrauto ein fragwürdiges Sittenbild… Ein Feuerwehrauto, ein SPÖ-Spitzenkandidat und fragwürdige Ausdrücke: Matthias Ressl, Bürgermeister-Kandidat in Niederösterreich, gerät nach einer feucht-fröhlichen Fahrt zu einer Feier in Erklärungsnot. Zwei Handyvideos dokumentieren die umstrittene Privatfahrt. #news #press