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Elon Musk Sure Isn’t Denying That His Inaugural Gesture Was a Nazi Salute #America #Politics #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USPolitics #USA #USAPolitics

Georgsmarienhütte: Ofen aus!… Das als „klimafreundlichstes“ Stahlwerk Deutschlands bezeichnete Werk der Georgsmarienhütte Holding musste gestern Morgen die Produktion einstellen. Grund dafür waren drastisch gestiegene Strompreise, die eine wirtschaftliche Produktion unmöglich machten. „Eine verfehlte Energiepolitik zerstört unsere Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, während unsere ausländischen Konkurrenten weitermachen können“, kritisierte

Canada to Trump: We Have Complaints About the Border, Too #Canada

#Degrowth Tuesday Teabreak time

Extractivism 3.1: The Niger Delta

How to sacrifice everything to maintain the lifestyles of some billionaires

We are on a planet with finite resources so infinite growth is contradictory and harmful as fuck.

Here is example 1 of the Extractivism series.

#DegrowthTuesday #DegrowthTuesdayTeaBreak
#ScientistRebellion #GrowthKills

in reply to Scientist Rebellion

The region could experience a loss of 40% of its habitable terrain in the next 30 years as a result of extensive dam construction.


This entry was edited (22 hours ago)
in reply to Scientist Rebellion

All of this is the consequence (and the maintenance) of an economy centered around exponential growth only benefiting a few instead of around providing basic needs for all, which is actually totally possible.



isd (interactive systemd) is a TUI for managing systemd units.

It has a command palette, auto refresh previews, fuzzy search, keybindings and themes.

The isd project (isd-project on GitHub) made isd with @textualize & is Terminal Tool of the Week! ⭐️

‘Gravely serious’: PM tight-lipped amid calls for answers over foreign interference claims #Australia

Well now, this should be something different and fun to do with the kid. #BikeTooter

Rail unions withdraw industrial action on Sydney train network #Australia #Sydney

Hey #Fediverse any instances friendly to luddite hackers of color? Can be for any software/project but a few offline buddies wanna join the Fedi and I had no clue where to direct them.

GOP member wants bishop 'added to deportation list' after Trump prayer service (Ashleigh Fields/The Hill)……

#Trump #DOJ removes senior career officials from key positions

The Trump admin has removed & reassigned several top career ofcls in the #Justice Dept’s #NationalSecurity & #criminal divisions….

…at least 15 experienced career staffers across several divisions were removed from their positions & reassigned, a sign that Trump & his aides plan to carry out their promises to dramatically reshape the agency, including to focus more on #immigration enforcement.

#law #USpol…

in reply to Nonilex

As a way to skirt #legal #protections afforded to career staffers, many of the officials were transferred to other positions inside #Justice, where they would probably have less influence on the department’s big decisions, the people said. The ofcls will have to decide whether to stay in their new assignments or leave the agency.

#Trump #DOJ #NationalSecurity #criminal #immigration #law #USpol

This entry was edited (17 hours ago)

The One Institution That Checked Trump

The Jan. 6 Committee is the exception to a story of institutional sclerosis…

Zwei Jugendliche nach Messerangriff verletzt… Zwei 17-Jährige wurden auf der Straße von mehreren Personen beschimpft. Daraufhin soll ein 18-jähriger Syrer die beiden mutmaßlich mit einem Messer angegriffen haben. #news #press

Turned the aircon in early but we’re still feeling it today #Australia #Brisbane

Russian Soldiers Attacking a Ukrainian Position are met by Defenders With Thermal Optics. #CombatFootage #CombatFootage #Conflicts