#LeonardPeltier #ÉtatsUnis #PeupleAutochtone
Peltier, enfin! - Le Courrier
Une victoire partielle, au goût amer, mais une victoire quand même. Après quarante-neuf ans passés dans une prison de haute sécurité malgré son innocence, Leonard Peltier devrait enfin sortir de sa cellule le mois prochain.Nathalie Gerber McCrae (Le Courrier)
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Invited but Did Not Attend Trump’s Inauguration, Kosovo’s President explains why
President Vjosa Osmani stated that Kosovo has full support from the new U.S. administration led by Donald Trump. Addressing her absence at the inauguration ceremony of the U.S.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
A sitting member of congress is calling to deport a member of the clergy for speaking in favor of LGBTQ people and immigrants. Religious freedom was always a lie.
NEW: Trump talks of ending gov't weaponization, as he acts to target foes and the vulnerable.
At Law Dork, my look at Trump’s first day back in office. lawdork.com/p/trump-term-two-d…
Trump targets foes and the vulnerable in day-one orders
Newly returned to power, Donald Trump lashed out in a series of executive actions. And: About those "acting" department heads.Chris Geidner (Law Dork)
You can say, “gravity isn’t real,” but if you step off the cliff, you’re still going down. And if you convince other people it’s not real, you are responsible for what happens if they make decisions based on the information you withheld.
Saving Us
United Nations Champion of the Earth, climate scientist, and evangelical Christian Katharine Hayhoe changes the debate on how we can save our futur...www.simonandschuster.com
Some of us have been warning about this and calling for anti-SLAPP laws (both federal and state) for years and years and years. And I'm not stopping now. Defamation law has been so widely abused to chill speech and so few people know it.
Susan Spector McPherson (@susanmcp1) on Threads
"It’s hard to square the GOP’s love of “law and order” with a sweeping pardon for the guys who stormed the Capitol, attacked police, smeared feces through the hallways, and expressed support for hanging the then VP.Threads
I photographed this young bear last May during a photo trip to Finland. We were accompanying his mother and his two younger brothers and sisters. He was very curious and often stood on his two hind legs to observe all around him to see what was going on.
How I took this photo ? Canon R3 500 mm Canon usm II + TC 1,4 1/1000e f5,6 iso 1600 raw
#bear #brownbear #photo #photography #cub #finlande #lanscape #landscapes #animal #animals #predator #wildlife #wildlifeprotectiob #nature #finland #finlande #ours #sunset #Magicishere #beautiful
I think it's time to call my Reps and Senators to find out why this hasn't happened... repeatedly... maybe a few times a day and emails.
What are we supposed to do with the freaking imbeciles that believed any of the lunacy?
We don't seem to have any Democrats that are actually throwing publicized fits and getting this into the MSM ...
Massive national strike?
I feel that we’re recalibrating our understanding of our society… many people (me included) couldn’t imagine we’d collectively be this stupid. And yet, here we are.
I think the media is doing the same… but with profit in mind. I already see them all moving to the right. We’ll have to feel the pain of our poor decisions before we (hopefully) correct…
No Gods , no Masters! RESIST reshared this.
my wife @susanlbridges and i are gonna keep telling trans and queer stories, because we need them more than ever
our next newsletter goes out tomorrow!
The Birdguest Broadcast
Tilly Bridges and Susan Bridges, writers of tv, animation, film, comics, games, and podcastsThe Birdguest Broadcast
BREAKING: Trump has revoked a rule prohibiting ICE from arresting undocumented immigrants at or near "sensitive locations," like schools, places of worship, hospitals, & shelters."
We need to act
I list 7 tangible actions you can take to help protect immigrants: qasimrashid.com/p/trumps-mass-…
Trump's Mass Anti-Immigrant Raids to Begin
Here are action items to protect your immigrant neighbors, answers to common FAQs, and insights to debunk anti-immigrant propagandaQasim Rashid, Esq. (Let's Address This with Qasim Rashid)
La mallerenga cuallarga (Aegithalos caudatus) és un petit ocell que sovint podem veure en petits grupets que es van desplaçant inquiets cercant petits insectes entre les branques i fulles, en zones boscoses i jardins. El seu aspecte arrodonit amb el bec molt petit i la cua llarga els dóna un aspecte tendre 🥰 , i molts diuen que sembla un "xupa-xups" 😅
#ocells #ocellsdecatalunya #natura #fotonatura #birds #birdwatching #wildlife #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #nature
Afegeixo foto de la mallerenga cuallarga (Aegithalos caudatus) on es veu millor la major proporció de la cua. Tenen un comportament social col·laboratiu curiós: sabíeu que si una parella perd la posta sovint es dedica a ajudar a pèixer els petits d'una altre parella, fent de "pares adoptius"? 🥰
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#gwcommunity #LISACommunity
It looks like performance based layoffs are the new hotness in tech. Stripe has announced it plans to layoff 300 people but still expects to hire around 1,500 this year.
I do think it’s unfortunate that tech companies are essentially signaling that anyone who’s laid off these days is a poor perforner.
Stripe is laying off 300 people, but says it still plans to hire in 2025 | TechCrunch
Fintech giant Stripe is laying off 300 people on Tuesday, according to a leaked memo, as reported by Business Insider.Mary Ann Azevedo (TechCrunch)
in reply to Pascal Le Crom • • •