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Pantsing a Complicated Plot

Career Authors
Mystery writer Bonnie MacBird is a self-identified "Pantser." So how then does she manage to write her notably labyrinthine plots? She shares her process with Career Authors.
Pantsing a Complicated Plot Our Special Guest…


Donald Trump eta beste enpresari batzuek, AEBko kongresuari, 2009an:

“Orain jarduten ez badugu, zientifikoki ukaezina da ondorio katastrofiko eta atzeraezinak egongo direla gizateriarentzat eta gure planetarentzat”.

#klima #zientzia…

That time in 2009 when Donald Trump took out a full-page NYT ad with other business leaders calling on President Obama for aggressive #climate action:

“If we fail to act now, it is scientifically irrefutable that there will be catastrophic & irreversible consequences for humanity & our planet.”

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

They scream about ‘wokeness’ to distract us from the real issues, like why billionaires keep getting richer while the rest of us fight to make ends meet. It’s a calculated move to shift the blame and keep us divided.

But let’s be clear, the opposite of woke is asleep, and that’s exactly how they want us: silent, unaware, and easy to exploit while they rig the system in their favor.

We refuse to close our eyes. We will stay awake and fight for a world that works for everyone.

Just 5990% more and I can quit my job and live off the returns #Crypto #CryptoCurrency #Currency

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
the new DeepSeek model comes with a catch if run in the cloud-hosted version—being Chinese in origin, R1 will not generate responses about certain topics like Tiananmen Square or Taiwan's autonomy

Five stars: The Wild Robot Protects by Peter Brown (2023) is the third Wild Robot book. Roz is eagerly awaiting the return of her son, Brightbill, when an injured seal tells her about an approaching danger, a poisonous tide coming from the north.…


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

bookstodon group reshared this.

CWs do not prevent people from seeing your posts.

Indeed, they make your posts more boostable. They may increase your reach.

in reply to CharLES ☭ H


I can't count the number of political related posts that I would have loved to have boosted, but didn't, as I know I have people following me for whom these posts would be anxiety inducing.

Sometimes if I *really* want to get it out, I'll post a CW'd link to the toot, but that's extra effort for me and for everyone who wants to read it, clicking through multiple toots. So... very often, they just go unboosted. I actually just had one a couple of minutes ago, actually...

THE INCOME NEEDED TO Join the Top 1% IN EVERY U.S. STATE 2024 #Map #MapPorn #MapPorn #Maps

The industrialists have lined up behind a regime.
One of them decided to see if he can get away with sieg heiling. Of course he could.
in reply to PAIGE! 🍁

Although I'm an optimistic sort, it's time to face the reality that we are just not hitting the bottom of the barrel here. It's rational to think about what things you'd wish you'd done if America keeps declining like this for another decade.

China, Myanmar, Thailand reach consensus to eradicate telecom fraud centres #GeopoliticalAnalysis #GeopoliticalNews #Geopolitics #Politics

i just had a nightmare that a software update on my #linux machine went rogue and i couldn't cancel it so i did a hard shutdown and when it came back up it was running windows 8

so happy wednesday to me i guess

Wenn Egon Murks gegen Wikipedia feuert, was kommt als nächstes? Feindbild „open source“?

#musk #linux #foss

So-called #SmartHome products are not even smart enough to be interoperable. With free software, you can tailor the software to your needs instead of having to watch out for 'works with' badges and the acceptance of certification of other producers by proprietary software companies like #Apple, #Google, or #Samsung.

#correspondent : suitable; adapted; fit

- German: der Korrespondent

- Italian: corrispondente

- Portuguese: corespondente

- Spanish: correspondiente


Fill in missing translations @…