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Nu kände jag mig tvungen att blogga av mig om åtminstone EN av de dumheter som får mig att misstroget undra om den här världen är på riktigt. Jag har ju länge intresserat mig för det här med kategorier och hur människor delar in verkligheten:…

Another gorgeous day.
It feels good to get outside and work until we are physically tired.
Summer agrees.
She has been spending more time with me lately because I'm outside and she loves to work in the garden.
When it was sunset time we headed out to the deck, took a few deep breaths, and let our worries go down with the sun.

Har (äntligen) tagit bort mitt konto på X. En ren hygienåtgärd vid det här laget.

Utan att ta ut segern för mycket i förskott ser det ut som om vi har hittat och åtgärdat felet som gäckat oss av och till sedan i lördags natt. Om vi räknar rätt så ligger nog prestandaökningen i ordningen 100x jämfört med innan vi började migreringen. Vi håller tummarna och kommer de närmsta dagarna ge samma behandling.

Tack för att ni varit så tålmodiga och stått ut med flyttkaoset!

#mastodonnu #upgrade

De tre senaste böckerna som jag har läst. Gillar dom alla. Vad läser du just nu?

Zed: A Rust-based code editor with AI, built for the future!

in reply to It's FOSS

I’ve had my eye on this project for some time now. We need a good alternative to VSCode.

VSCodium and Code OSS are fine for the most part, but some extensions, such as the CSharp extensions, won’t work without effort. And who knows for how long until M$ makes it near impossible to use outside of VSCode.

I’m currently using JetBrains Rider, but that has telemetry force-enabled for the community version.

I just want to get away from these data-grabbing corpos 😠

Da hat jemand den Mut Dinge klar anzusprechen und die #EU macht mimimi ... liebe #EU wann treten wir denn den vereinigten Staaten von Trump bei.

A Danish politician left the European Parliament speechless today when he issued Donald Trump with a very direct warning over Greenland - complete with a choice four-letter word.
'Greenland has been part of the Danish kingdom for 800 years [sic]. It's an integrated part of our country. It is not for sale.'
In case his message wasn't clear, Vistisen added pointedly: 'Let me put it in words you might understand, Mr Trump. F**k off.'…


Just saying, it's day one and you fucking Nazis are defending this. There is zero context that makes this okay. This was a Nazi salute that was repeated more than once for emphasis and clarity.


Remember people, if newpipe give error when try to play a video, just turn your phone horizontally and vertically until the error leave.
Is really easy
in reply to NahMarcas

Test video:

I can confirm this does not work, and I get the sad face each time

in reply to NahMarcas

A good backup is to install Seal and share the video to it to download. Seal seems to keep an updated version of yt-dlp that has not failed for me yet. It's just not for subscriptions and multiple downloads.

Thinking about the dark chapter that lays before all of us as Trump begins his second term. I still cannot believe that he has condemned so many innocent people to a life of fear and potential violence. If you do not accept and recognise gender dysphoria, then you fail to recognise the humanity in yourself and others.
Who will fall under his gaze next? The rest of the LGBTQ community. On this side of the pond our government are clamping down on the elderly, impoverished families, disabled people, people out of work and true socialists who speak their mind or disagree with their leader. Add into this mix, the Trilateral Commission, Larry Fink, BlackRock and Musk; what could possibly go wrong?

Qu'est-ce qui fait "poin-poin" ?

Sensitive content

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Augier (fr & en) 🏴☭ reshared this.

Isabel Ayuso espainiako presidente eta Joseba Diaz Antxustegi EAEko lehendakari.

i've seen the future brother, it is murder.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

new paper: "Investigating the ROS Formation and Particle Behavior of Food-Grade Titanium Dioxide (E171) in the TIM-1 Dynamic Gastrointestinal Digestion Model"

"These findings highlight the innate potential of E171 to induce ROS and the need to consider GI digestion and food matrices in the hazard identification/characterization and risk assessment of E171."