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The task of NATO is to help Ukraine to win the war against Russia. And to make sure that Moscow will never be able to achieve its goals – NATO Secretary General Rutte. Ukrainians have repeatedly proven that they can defend themselves with Western weapons. The only question is the speed of delivery. #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #UkraineConflict

Taliban threaten to use US arms to thwart attempts to retake them…


in reply to Voice of America

Was going through with the *Trump 1.0* deal with the Taliban for all US and coalition troops to exit Afghanistan "regardless of what the hell happens" the worst and most damaging blunder of the Biden administration?

Not just effectively re-arming the islamists with all the coalition (mainly US) military gear left behind in the chaos, but also leaving the country under medieval-style despotic rule.

I wonder how much domestic support Biden and the Democrats in general lost over this *Trump deal*?

#Biden #JoeBiden #trump #Afghanistan #taliban

TIL that the Trump administration is swapping the term "climate resilience" for "climate change" in agency documents. Good thing there's a book that explains how "resilience" is used as fossil-fuel propaganda and tells us—policymakers, advocates,…

I found half of a red onion in the back of the fridge. It was sprouting so I popped it in a pot. Will it grow? Who knows but for now, I'm really enjoying my little onion forest. #gardening #onions

Scoop: Trump nominates Neil Jacobs to head NOAA (Andrew Freedman/Axios)……

Half of Wisconsin Head Start programs can't access needed funds after federal freeze (Richelle Wilson/WPR)……

“He has moved beds into the headquarters of the federal personnel office a few blocks from the White House, according to a person familiar with the situation, so he and his staff, working late into the night, could sleep there, reprising a tactic he has deployed at Twitter and Tesla.”

Esto casa vez pinta mejor.…

in reply to José María (Chema) Mateos

Si aceptas apuestas, quiero poner 50 pavos a "de aquí a dos años algún ministerio o similar va a cambiar de nombre y se va a llamar Z"

NSFW/NSFL: Ukrainian drone of the 25th Airborne Brigade flew into a Russian dugout. One enemy soldier was set on fire. Pokrovsk direction [graphic content] #Ukraine #UkraineWarVideoReport #UkraineWarVideos #UkraineWarVideoReport

"FBI agents who worked on cases stemming from #Jan6— or the criminal investigations of #Trump —have filed a class action lawsuit to block DOJ leadership from assembling lists of agents they say will be used as part of a retaliation campaign"…

The Proud Boys trademark is now owned by a Black church. @CBSNews explains why, and what that means.

#BlackMastodon @blackmastodon #ProudBoys

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

As Trump's #tariffs expand to more countries and products, the economic toll on American households and businesses is expected to grow significantly.

Not a lot of subtlety here. Musk says Europe should encourage immigration of "White South Africans" because they are "fiscally positive."