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Dev: I really want to put in this refactoring into this item at the last minute.

Me: Well, then have another twenty things to fix that you just intrroduced.

Hilarious example of "cognitive dissonance" in this LiveScience article

LiveScience: Santorini earthquake swarm intensifies but likely won't trigger volcano

".... the earthquakes by Santorini are likely caused by a series of faults — or zones where two blocks of rock move or slip against each other. However, he noted that the earthquakes were "unusual."

"The problem with this event is that we've just seen earthquake after earthquake after earthquake," Pyle said. "It's all underwater, and so it's really hard to anticipate what's going to happen next."..."…

#earthquakes #volcanoes #santorini #kolumbo

Families and Advocates Sue Trump Administration Over Executive Order Seeking to Restrict Access to Gender-Affirming Care (ACLU)……

Trump Order Set to Ban Transgender Girls and Women From Female School Sports (Wall Street Journal)……

"Plaintiffs Alliance for Retired Americans, American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO, and Service Employees International Union, file this action against defendants Scott Bessent, Secretary of the Treasury, the Department of the Treasury, and the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, for declaratory and injunctive relief to halt Defendants’ unlawful ongoing, systematic, and continuous disclosure of personal and financial information contained in Defendants’ records to Elon Musk and other members of the so-called 'Department of Government Efficiency' (DOGE), or to any other person."…


Die einzige Institution, die Elon Musk je in seine Schranken gewiesen hat, war das Berghain. Das sollte uns langsam echt zu denken geben.

The real headline here is about how the casual use of Auror for Police surveillance ...

"... raised concerns about privacy for everyday Kiwis."

Instead, the headline editors chose for this episode of The Detail is;

"A retail crime-fighting app helping police track repeat offenders"…

What's up with that?

#podcasts #RNZ #TheDetail #Auror #PoliceSurveillance

in reply to Strypey

The other aspect of the Auror story that isn't getting much attention is the degree to which the functions of public policing, subject to democratic oversight, is being gradually replaced by private security companies. Often multinational corporations with multi-million dollar valuations. Operating under minimal if any regulation, with almost no enforcement.

How much public money is given to private security contractors even by government departments, like WINZ, instead of using Police?


Öffentlich-Rechtliche zu Rechtsextremen:

“Sie wollen uns, die wir als Reaktion auf Rechtsextremismus gegründet wurden und eine demokratische Öffentlichkeit fördern sollen, abschaffen?

Lassen Sie uns offen drüber diskutieren, herzlich willkommen.”

🙄 Jetzt geht das #zerfleischen und gegenseitig madig machen wieder los.
"Ich kann das nicht wählen weil..."
"...aber die sind für... deshalb kann ich die nicht..."
"...wenn so, dann never mit denen..."

Und die Konservativen lachen sich 'nen Ast. Wählt doch einfach nicht rechts, stellt Positives in Wahlprogrammen in den Vordergrund und gut ist. Warum immer dieses gegenseitig madig machen?


People who vote for Trump and Populists to "shake up the system" are creeps, I don't care about your fucking sob stories.

There were people like you in Germany during the 1930s, and in the end nobody cared about their motives, just the result of their actions.

They're just not good people and I don't trust them.
Unless they're self immolating for the Cause, I call bullshit on sad loner men whining about the privilege of their dicks

Liebe in Zeiten der Nazi-Hysterie… Der oberbayerische Ort, in dem ich seit ein paar Jahren wohne, hat 6.500 Einwohner. Formal ist das eine Kleinstadt, in Wahrheit – meine neuen Nachbarn mögen mir vergeben – ist es ein Dorf. Ich bin gebürtiger Berliner und habe knapp fünf Jahrzehnte an der Spree gelebt, und bitte schön, 6.500 Einwohner: So viele hatte früher
Der Beitrag Liebe in Zeiten der Nazi-Hysterie erschien

Nach Messertat in Erfurt: 14-jähriger schwerverletzter Junge notoperiert… In Erfurt ist es am Wochenende wieder zu einer Gewalttat unter Jugendlichen gekommen. Ein 14-jähriger Junge wurde dabei mit einem Messer schwer verletzt. Unterdessen reagiert die Politik mit der Forderung, die Altersgrenze für die Strafmündigkeit Jugendlicher zu überprüfen. #news #press

#TFG established a Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) that could be used to buy TikTok and have it run by ???

"Sovereign Wealth Funds" are actually profit-making businesses competing with private businesses!

A US SWF could be run by salaried government employees or by highly-paid contractors (Haliburton🤬🤬🤬)

Problems with SWFs are: inherent conflicts of interest & opportunities for crony-corruption among elected politicians & bureaucrats/contractors.

For example, if a U.S. SWF bought TikTok they could contract with Elon Musk to run it

Many nations have SWFs, but they’re all countries that have big budget or trade surpluses, or sales of nationally owned resources (China, Saudi Arabia).

U.S. has lots of valuable national resources, but instead of selling our natural resources on the global market we lease them out to mega-corporations at very low 'sweet-heart' rates and it's the corps who reap the profits. Meanwhile we fund our government through debt and taxes.



Framework Laptop expands beyond x86 with its first-ever RISC-V-based motherboard
With soldered RAM and eMMC storage, this is not "a consumer-ready experience."…
in reply to Ars Technica

Nothing RISC-V is "consumer ready" and without some hard work it never will be.
in reply to Ars Technica

You lost me at “soldered RAM”. Let’s add more stuff to the e-waste pile.

Musk Cronies Dive Into Treasury Dept Payments Code Base.…

[RANSOMHUB] - Ransomware Victim: escada[.]com -…

#ransomhub #dark_web #data_breach #OSINT #ransomware #threatintel #tor

Some nuanced privacy advice:

- Signal is good, and you should use it because it strikes an effective balance in the optimization problem that is getting people to use secure technology.

- You should think really, really hard before using any technology whose entire threat model depends on centrally operated infrastructure remaining trusted and uncompromised. Especially ones based in jurisdictions without effective democratic institutions.

mihira🍉 reshared this.

Time to primary and general everyone who votes for RFK Jr