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Washington enrage, Beyrouth avance : le Hezbollah et Amal au cœur du nouveau gouvernement libanais
#Liban #Gouvernement #Hezbollah
Le Premier ministre libanais Nawaf Salam a dévoilé un gouvernement de 24 ministres, incluant cinq représentants du Hezbollah et du mouvement Amal. Ce dernier s'octroie le portefeuille stratégique des Finances, provoquant l'ire des États-Unis, " extrêmement frustrés " par cette nomination.
Pendant que Washington s'étrangle, Nawaf Salam a appelé Israël à se retirer de "...
Developments have been fast and furious, with Donald Trump flooding the news space at a rate journalists find hard to handle.
His plan for an American takeover of the Gaza Strip, the reshaping of federal agencies and the unchecked power handed to Musk all beg a question: Who is really running the country?
Danielle Moodie – The Danielle Moodie Show
Jon Allsop – Columbia Journalism Review
Max Tani – Semafor
Mehdi Hasan – Zeteo News
- YouTube
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Advocate of Jan. 6 Rioters Now Runs Office That Investigated Them (New York Times)
Ed Martin, Advocate of Jan. 6 Rioters, Is Now Leading U.S. Attorney’s Office
Ed Martin, a loyal Trump soldier, oversees the U.S. attorney’s office, which is likely to help turn the investigative powers of the government on several of the president’s perceived enemies.Eileen Sullivan (The New York Times)
#SemanticDistorter #NondeterministicPoetry #AI #AIArt
Elon Musk finally ‘takes it too far’ even for his followers with latest decision
Elon Musk finally 'takes it too far' even for his followers with latest decisionhttps://www.irishstar.com/news/us-news/elon-musk-cfpb-decision-backlash-34640302?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=post&utm_campaigan=redditBYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Camera-wiki.org @camerawiki turns 14 today! Some backstory is here, for those who don't know how it all started. camera-wiki.org/wiki/Camera-wi…
Don't do what they tell you to.
Don't do what you *think* they're going to tell you to.
Find reasons to delay.
Find reasons why "it won't work."
Do it slightly wrong, just enough to make it almost work but not.
Do it half-assed in a way that makes it look like you're actually putting in your full effort.
When they want something, make that thing mysteriously disappear.
Smile, nod, ignore.
For the love of all that's good and true and right in this universe, BE FUCKING UNGOVERNABLE.
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Playfulness predicts attachment and jealousy in romantic relationships -Researchers found that certain types of playfulness are linked to more secure attachment styles, while others are connected to different facets of jealousy.
Playfulness predicts attachment and jealousy in romantic relationships -Researchers found that certain types of playfulness are linked to more secure attachment styles, while others are connected to different facets of jealousy.https://www.psypost.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Hey, please share this widely:
Those are the people you prob. want - they are very very good, I trust and vouch.
Disclaimer: I am part of them, kinda (also with @SafeguardingResearch)
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Scientists discover black holes spinning unexpectedly fast: ‘You’re essentially looking at its fossil record’
Scientists discover black holes spinning unexpectedly fast: 'You’re essentially looking at its fossil record'https://www.livescience.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
'Backsliding': most countries to miss vital climate deadline as Cop30 nears (Fiona Harvey/The Guardian)
‘Backsliding’: most countries to miss vital climate deadline as Cop30 nears
Developing countries urge biggest polluters to act as Trump’s return to the White House heightens geopolitical turmoilFiona Harvey (The Guardian)
Developer creates endless Wikipedia feed to fight algorithm addiction | WikiTok cures boredom in spare moments with wholesome swipe-up Wikipedia article discovery.
Developer creates endless Wikipedia feed to fight algorithm addiction | WikiTok cures boredom in spare moments with wholesome swipe-up Wikipedia article discovery.https://arstechnica.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Someone who understands iCloud Advanced Data Protection key management better than me : if you enable iCloud web access and approve a request, what actually gets shared with Apple? How is the "only available for an hour" actually implemented? Do we just take it on trust that Apple deletes the keys after an hour?
#Apple #E2EE #Encryption #AdvancedDataProtection #iCloud #UKGovernment
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