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So this #Target #boycott (v @knizer @stefan ) is a good nudge for me. I boycott Amazon since 2017, Instacart + Uber Eats since 2019. I've been considering adding Target after they intensified their surveillance and began locking products in #EverettMA to "prevent shoplifting." My modest financial support will go instead to one of the small grocery chains in my area.

"Call centres using AI to 'whiten' Indian accents"

"Teleperformance said it was applying real-time AI software on phone calls in order to increase 'human empathy' between two people on the phone."

"The French company's customers in the UK include parts of the Government, the NHS, Vodafone and eBay."

"Teleperformance has 90,000 employees in India and tens of thousands more in other countries."

"It is using software from Sanas, an American company that says the system helps 'build a more understanding world' and reduces miscommunication."

I didn't know there were AI systems for changing accents. Though I feel like I shouldn't be surprised at this point.

Call centres using AI to 'whiten' Indian accents

#solidstatelife #ai #genai #llms #audioai

in reply to Wayne Radinsky (new account)

technology enables strange social situations.
the situation: the call center thinks it has a problem and wants to whiten the voices or their agents, for some reason.

this dream existed before the invention of technology enabled it to happen. and then it becomes a public news story that we all read about.

Most common ethnicity of White Americans by county [OC] #Data #DataIsBeautiful #DataIsBeautiful

If I put together a feed of public domain animation and movies that you could stream to an old CRT TV just by plugging in a USB stick and the cables, even the old ones, what would you pay for that? No internet connectivity required
in reply to Phil Nelson

@mcc will send thru The Underground Failroad which is what I assume we’ll call the secret tunnels, like as a bit

Both our baby kittens are sick and my life is pretty upside down right now, to say the least.

Vet visits, vet tests, midterm tomorrow, specialists doctors, medical tests, bloodwork, insurance approval hurdles for my new biologic … I’m exhausted.

“It’s ok that you’re not okay.”

I think it’s time to read the book with that title written by Megan Devine…

#medical #cats #grief #anger #fatigue #chronicillness

(Edit: added photos for the cat tax) :blobheartraccoon:

This entry was edited (5 days ago)

in reply to Brian Gerfort🇺🇦

Most of the #cats are ok now. I just took these two to the vet's yesterday - MiniMa and Flakey. They are MaCat's kids and they've been on the skinny all their lives. And this cold and the loss of appetite had me concerned. Got some long-lasting shots and today both have been eating much better. So 🤞🤞🤞 #fedicats #CatsOfMastodon
This entry was edited (5 days ago)

Hmm 🤔 my laptop has updates. But it won't properly connect with my internet. And it needs the internet for the updates.
I tried the normal wifi, I connected to lan (which I usually do and it normally works fine), I tried the phone hotspot wifi.
I'm guessing the network isn't working properly due to the updates? And when it can't get those updates? 🤔
My pc is dead and I have no new one yet... So the very old laptop with the Kubuntu is all I have at the moment...
But I just don't understand why the network isn't working......... Dammit.... 😔

𓂀 Cynni 💜 reshared this.

CIA stops sharing intelligence with Ukraine after Oval Office stoush…


His tongue must be just dried out by this point because it's been stuck like this for about 10 minutes.

#catsOfMastodon #cats