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A clique of Conservative Senators delay bill to stop horse export for slaughter, Meanwhile...

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in reply to fionag11

It would have been more humane/efficient if you had slaughtered snd eaten them in Canafa.
in reply to debo

Or Japan raise their own horses. They don't have enough room, I guess? It's a luxury food, otherwise I don't see how it could be cost effective for them.

The horse meat is sliced very thinly and served raw.

in reply to fionag11

Horse meat used to be normal for people to eat in France, cooked I think. Whatever Japan does, Canada still has the problem of what to do with its horses condemned to death.

ramede reshared this.

There are only 2000 cougars in all of Alberta…
#cougars #Alberta #hunting

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in reply to fionag11

Alberta has a death wish. It all started with the oil.
in reply to Tom Grzybow

Going down with the ship. The captains have lifeboats, though.

The consequence of homeless camp destructions in Edmonton, Alberta last winter. Now it starts again.

"...a young adult who previously had both legs amputated below the knees because of frostbite showed up again with frostbite on their hands. Several fingers were amputated."…
“You have a policy that absolutely makes it impossible to set up a decent camp. The result is what we have now — people just curled up under almost nothing, under cardboard, under a tarp,” he said.
“They’re just lying in doorways and behind garbage containers and in bus shelters with a bare tarp or a little blanket wrapped around them.”
“Any suggestion that these deaths were individuals facing homelessness or that this is the cause of their death is complete speculation,” Wishloff said.…
#homeless #Alberta