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Day 23-24: HRP and La Porta del Cel hike

Here I walked from the Baiau Refuge, turned off of the GR11 to trek the HRP (Haute Route Pyrenees) and slept in Refugi de Baborte (also called Refugi del Cinquantenari). Then I took another variation and followed a trail called “La Porta del Cel” to get back to the GR11 at a little village called Tavascan.

A day well spent! 😄
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in reply to Sasha

what thoughts come to a person who works so hard knowing that there will be no material reward at the end? 😀 Which is unusual in today's world.
in reply to jaroslaw

@jaroslaw my main thoughts were "nutella sandwich," "ice cream," and "chorizo" 😅😅😂