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Demo post from Hubzilla

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in reply to A fly against the machine

@Den Hårfagre I don't know. Hubzilla doesn't have a usable mobile app.

I've written the post and my comments on Hubzilla's Web interface through Mozilla Firefox on a desktop PC running Debian GNU/Linux. Nothing mobile involved here.

in reply to ♾️ 스노 (雪亮 Yuki) 🔏 🌟

I think the most important take away (at least for me) is the limited attachments Mastodon shows to their users. Content is being dropped without the user's knowledge.

#Hubzilla, #Friendica, #Misskey, #Calckey, and of course #Pixelfed, to mention a few, can attach more than four (4) images. But once it shows up in a Mastodon-powered instance, attachments 5 and up are discarded to the void.

Sadly, I can't test how it looks like in Pleroma and forks. I tried it in two Soapbox instances, the first one unfortunately is too slow (not sure what happened to that instance), and in the second instance, your post is not showing up even if searched via URL. @jupiter_rowland @fediversenews

in reply to Lapineige

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

for your information this is a desktop screenshot, not mobile.

I can try later with Akkoma/Pleroma default front-end.

Try the reverse should be interesting. I'm not sure Hubzilla interprets markdown formatted content from Pleroma/Akkoma/Misskey/Calckey with 100% compatibility.

in reply to Lapineige

@Lapineige It'd actually be interesting to see posts from other non-Mastodon instances with all officially supported BBcode/Markdown/HTML tricks in use.
in reply to Jupiter Rowland

out of curiosity, can you see that my previous reply is edited ? I don't know if Hubzilla supports it.

edit : ok others can see it.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Lapineige

If you edit a post that someone has already #boosted, they will receive a notification informing them.

I actually like it. It stops people from posting something, has it boosted, and then changes the content.

Other users can only see an "edited" tag. They can't easily see what the original content was, but you will be able to do it with the #Mastodon #API, I think.


in reply to Yohan Yukiya Seseㆍ사요한・謝雪矢

Yes, Mastodon unfortunately does not show some things, e.g. no video descriptions from #Peertube, no formatting at all, etc.
Here I had also tried to illustrate with a few screenshots how posts from #Peertube, #WriteFreely, #Mobilizon etc. look from the perspective of Mastodon, Hubzilla, Friendica and Calckey:… @jupiter_rowland @fediversenews
in reply to ♾️ 스노 (雪亮 Yuki) 🔏 🌟

@♾️ 스노 (雪亮 Yuki) 🔏 🌟 Thanks for your demonstration. It's also interesting to behold on Hubzilla itself because it basically reverses both your Mastodon and MissKey posts: The pictures come first in reverse order, then comes the text.
in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@mickdarling Yikes! Way to wipe out a big chunk of my buffer. CWs don’t work the same in all clients. In #bitlbee (a text client), we just see the CW as the 1st line, almost like a subject line, then all the content that follows automatically.
in reply to Maria Karlsen

Is it easy to navigate to core functionality? Are the features displayed in this post easily accessible?
in reply to Jupiter Rowland

The start post as it first appears on Hubzilla. The yellow button belongs to an automatic content warning hider which was triggered by "NSFW" in the text.

Hubzilla will show this comment itself hidden behind a content warning.

Also, notice the title. You can't see anything like this on Mastodon.

This and the following screenshots were taken in Firefox on Debian GNU/Linux on a desktop computer.

The start post of this thread, but instead of the content, only the title, the identity of the author, the post time (less than a minute ago), a yellow content warning button, a yellow category label, an emoticon picker, a like button, a dislike button, a menu for extra functions and, at the very bottom, a blog-style comment field are visible.

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

The start post as it appears on Hubzilla after clicking the yellow button and thereby getting past the content warning.

What is shown additionally now is what is known as a content warning or CW on Mastodon. On Hubzilla, this very same feature has been a summary for very long posts since before Mastodon was launched.

The blue label below has to be clicked to get past the summary and see the post itself.

The start post of this thread after clicking the yellow content warning button, now revealing the writing 'Hubzilla refers to this as a "summary" and not a "CW"' displayed by Mastodon as a content warning and a blue label below.

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

The start post after getting past both the content warning (not what would be a content warning on Mastodon, but the yellow button above) and the summary (which Mastodon understands as a content warning).

I've manually stitched this together in GIMP from about ten screenshots.

Way down, you'll discover a closed spoiler. The next picture will show it after having been opened.

The start post of this thread, stitched together from multiple screenshots. It starts with an explanation why the post was written, what Hubzilla is and that the post will be utterly mangled on Mastodon, hence the screenshots. Next, the post demos a horizontal line, centred text, an embedded link, bold type, italics, bold and italics combined, underline, strikethrough, the use of various typefaces, several text sizes, six pre-defined headline styles, two styles of code blocks, text colours, highlighting colours, the 7-segment digit 1 as the first demonstration of image embedding, quotes in three levels with the deepest level coming with a name, a closed spoiler, the 7-segment digit 2 as the second demonstration of image embedding, a table with two columns, one header row and two normal rows, the 7-segment digit 3 as the third demonstration of image embedding, a bullet-point list, a list with numbers, a list with Roman numbers, a list with minuscule Roman numbers, a list with letters, a list with capital letters, the 7-segment digit 4 as the fourth demonstration of image embedding, the embedding of a YouTube video through Invidious, the embedding of a PeerTube video, the 7-segment digit 5 as the fifth and final demonstration of image embedding. Finally, it demonstrates several Hubzilla-specific features, namely automatic recognition of the observer's name, automatic recognition of the observer's short name, automatic recognition of the address of the instance the observer is on, automatic recognition and embedding of the observer's profile picture and automatic recognition and embedding of the observer's channel insignia. Last but not least, below another horizontal line, it is mentioned that the post has 7,750 characters.

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

Hubzilla refers to this as a "summary" and not a "CW"
I really appreciate the effort you put into this. I think it helps people to understand that the Fediverse isn't Mastodon, which is I think a very healthy & important thing to understand if the fediverse is going to develop in a way that can hope to counterbalance commercial social media stacks.
in reply to Jupiter Rowland

to get rid of the huge gap above the table, bring all bbcode onto one line, without linebreaks. something like
[table border=1][tr][td]text[/td][/tr][/table]
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Fediverse News reshared this.

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

Hubzilla refers to this as a "summary" and not a "CW"

This is #fedilab , works well enough for me. Anyways I'd use my browser for complicated renderings.

The quotes work also.

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

May be a "ChatBotHubzilla" (a'la ChatGPT) trained with this and other valuable articles by Jupiter Rowland can spread the benefits of Hubzilla much more efficiently than posts that streak the Fediverse night sky like meteors and often just disappear without being noticed?

#ChatBotHubzilla #ChatGPT #ChatGPTDiary #Fediverse #Fediverse #HubzillaPromotion #JupiterRowland #JupiterRowland #Meteor

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

What a good display of the differences of the Fediverse services and programs. Hubzilla seems neat. I am tempted even more to switch to it.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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in reply to Zach777


What a good display of the differences of the Fediverse services and programs. Hubzilla seems neat. I am tempted even more to switch to it.

You should try. It can even quote you.

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in reply to Jupiter Rowland

Hubzilla refers to this as a "summary" and not a "CW"
yes, Hubzilla is clearly the better product, but I fear it will share the fate of Video2000: it was clearly the better product, but VHS was more successful anyway...
in reply to benny


Hubzilla refers to this as a "summary" and not a "CW"

Your comment (not quoted here for reference) is hilarious. There's no end to any possible development in open source social media.

You are talking about two commercial products, with ad budgets & profit interest involved. And no say whatsoever for customers using these products.
All measured just in money.

Federated social media doesn't work like this. Luckily. Here you can have impact, if you act. Take that chance and use it.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Fediverse News reshared this.

in reply to _jayrope

@_jayrope @benny Also, keep in mind a few more things:

Video2000 was incompatible with VHS. If you wanted to use both standards, you needed recorders and tapes for both.

#Hubzilla is compatible with #Mastodon as our posts prove. You can connect to just about everyone on Mastodon while still keeping using Hubzilla.

Besides, Hubzilla isn't just fancier Mastodon. Hubzilla isn't just microblogging. If you switched from Hubzilla to Mastodon, you'd lose more than text formatting. You'd lose boatloads of features which Mastodon can't realistically hope to replace, from multiple channels on one login to articles and wikis to full and proven #NomadicIdentity.

Mastodon can't and won't displace Hubzilla.

Fediverse News reshared this.

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@Jupiter Rowland

Mastodon can't and won't displace Hubzilla.

You're so nice (to me being a HZ user/admin).
BUT: Let's be fair. All of those different ideas of most probably a similar concept
should coexist and interact at their best, not fight.

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in reply to Jupiter Rowland

sure, you are right with all you say. I know Hubzilla already from times when it was Red Matrix and had my own hub several times. The last one went down when so many people fled twitter and I kept following more and more nteresting people. The server wasn't strong enough for all the traffic.
Now I went to a new server and use yunohost for my online stuff, but I haven't yet figured out how to migrate my old install to the yunohost instance

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in reply to benny

@benny Migration should be relatively easy, if you exported your channel(s) already.

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in reply to Jupiter Rowland

another problem is: most contacts would be on Mastodon and hubzilla messages come across crippled, as you have pointed out. When I still had Hubzilla I've been called out several times for my shares which come across strangely, especially when you are used to boosts and have been told that this is all that's possible...

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in reply to benny

yeah, boosts are the big one that I see too. That would be a nice feature to have for activitypub parity
in reply to Jupiter Rowland


"Hubzilla seems neat. I am tempted even more to switch to it."

You don't have to switch. You can use both.

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in reply to _jayrope

Do you leave the server on at all times? How well does it handle electrical outages?

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in reply to Zach777

@Zach777 That's my server space provider's business. The last outage took 18 hrs (water in the data center, oops) Data was fine afterwards. Got to mention, that it was the first of such outages in 20 years, though.
Hoster is, account type is Business Pro, you'll have no root access, but terminal for HZ and a Cpanel to assist. Has a git.
Sympahic Russians in upstate NY.

I'm good with them.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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in reply to _jayrope

Neat. Although I will be self hosting with a computer in my room. How well does mirroring work? Maybe I can self host at home while mirroring non private stuff elsewhere.

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in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@_jayrope @Zach777 Self-host as in "my own instance on a web host" vs. self-host as in "a server in my house."

I could save a lot of money by self-hosting at home, but I don't think it is allowed by my ISP (on the plan I am on).

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