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The obvious choice for ActivityPub’s birthday would be the 23rd of January 2018 - the day it was annointed as a W3C recommendation. That doesn’t seem quite right though - its not as if the spec came into existence in any sense upon that date. In fact, Mastodon implemented it before thne.

There are several possible dates you might pick, but for me it will always be September 5th 2014 - when I committed the first sketch of a specification I called ActivityPump and pushed it to Github

It wouldn’t be until November that I actually submitted (a revised and enhanced version of) that draft to the working group, but even then I had the very nucleus of the specification written down.

Happy 10th birthday, ActivityPub. 🍰

in reply to Erin 💽✨

@andypiper sort of how the Internet was born when you first IP based interaction was delivered…we should probably pick the first activity pub message successfully delivered and call that the birthday. #activitypub
in reply to Erin 💽✨

(I sadly didn’t actually do much with ActivityPub or the Social WG after submitting that draft. I was starting a new job which had a complicated open source & similar approval process, and I was in a division which was really not used to it. But I’m glad @tsyesika, @cwebber and @rhiaro carried the torch)
in reply to Erin 💽✨

Sometimes I ponder: If I’d had a detailed security mechanism in that first draft, could I have saved everyone a lot of pain?

Ah well, hindsight.

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mastodon - Link to source
@smallcircles @minoru I think it's hard to choose one specific date for Fediverse, due to so many various parties shaping it. We chose a symbolic date in May which seemed nice at first, but later on another cool annual thing called Fedivision began to happen in May, and it became clear that trying to have two events at the same time is not the best idea. 👻 Besides, as long as this special date is not mentioned in Wikipedia article, it won't be considered "official" enough :)