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Your Love and Logic Podcast #1

Mastodon based communication to encourage co-operative style contributions and participation

Messages and submissions welcome of any kind.

Listen, Follow, click Notification Bell for updates & new audio.

Let me know what you think! @freemo @bhaugen
#Mastodon based #podcast #peace #project #audio #love #logic

in reply to Improving People or only Tech?

1st pic- Giving myself the badge for trying hard in everything!..

2nd pic- And official OK given for podcast by Top Mod @freemo and deep diver (in real life too) who has boost this QOTO project and given support.

in reply to Improving People or only Tech?

New Podcast is here ...featuring... yPhil @yphil

Keywords: #music #creator #artist #coder #programmer #petrolette #app #web #maker

As always a #podcast from the Fediverse and to the Fediverse...

Will update and re-draft again but just for speed boost and let's hear what people think.

:cc_by: :cc_sa: :cc_nc: CC-BY-SA-NC License - No where else granted permission but Fediverse unless this account or author gives public ok from the same accounts mention here on Fediverse.

█ = RSS app by author
█ Audio at 24.10 is yPhil's own music and cover is below!

in reply to Improving People or only Tech?

Podcast Episode: Fantasy Writing (less than 2mins audio)...

Podcast Episode: Fantasy Writing
(less than 2mins audio)

The Wandering Inn (website by Pirate Aba):

Audio sent in by Fediverse fan: @amici

Direct link to reading fantasy:…

#Fantasy #Writing #Reading

Submissions! (easy as possible):
1 🎤 Record in 1min ⏲️ what you Love or Like currently.
2 ✉️ Send audio file attached to direct message via Fediverse :fediverse: (not Google etc!).
Thank you ❤️

#FreeSchool #Podcast #Update #Audio #Fediverse #Freedom

What do you #Like / #Love ?

#peace #logic #noncommercial #DIY #advertising