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Debt and Inflation in society devalues us and our future...

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in reply to Want Change➡Work Together🔁☮💬

I am literally heading out the door to a flight. But I do want to give you a thoughtful reply when I'm by my keyboard. Im also forgetful but ill try to Rene era to reply tomorrow. If you are willing please ping be about this tomorrow and ill give a proper response
in reply to 🎓 Doc Freemo 🇳🇱

Sure I'll ping you tomorrow, If you can have the text and want to make a few notes on the flight for later that might also be prep it nicely.. chat soon
in reply to Want Change➡Work Together🔁☮💬

thank you for the reminder. I am sorry to say I would have forgotten. I will read it today and give you a response.
in reply to 🎓 Doc Freemo 🇳🇱

in reply to Want Change➡Work Together🔁☮💬

in reply to 🎓 Doc Freemo 🇳🇱

Fascinating - I am like speechless in a good way. Good stuff...

The question before this is in this thread also + link to it below to go direct - is titled:

"Debt and Inflation in society devalues us and our future... "

...a deliberate "mission impossible" for society to live up to?…
