Mastodon E-Mail Add-on / Upgrade Message Layout...?
Get Mastodon messages
+ traditional email layout (like in a e-mail client or browser?)
- Inbox, Sent, Drafts, Deleted...
- Sort by Sender
- Sort by Date
- Less mainstream communication
- Privacy Respecting Hosts
- Self-advertised Mastodon (more people join for email / micro-blogging / mass)
- More Easier Decentralised messaging for the average point and click person
- No Re-Sale of User Data
Not a bad idea... even if it's more an idea so far...
Useful even as 2nd more-private mailer / messenger.
Contact to suggest any more features...
@wes you were interested before so included you own post here as this is a delete and redraft////
@freeschool I think this is a great idea. Email is one of the most widely deployed communications clients on earth, and probably only second to SMS. I have also been giving thought to how the ActivityPub/ActivityStream client-to-server semantics would map to an email workflow.โฆ
Number of e-mail users worldwide 2025 | Statista
Despite the growth and prominence of mobile messengers and chat apps, e-mail is an integral part of daily online life.Statista
Ade Malsasa Akbar reshared this.
(webdev Tory)
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