2023-05-25 18:19:00
2023-05-22 03:31:04
2023-05-21 23:36:34
![AustraliaOne Party - How They Built the Pyramids](https://social.trom.tf/photo/preview/640/8785500)
I really enjoyed this interview that started off talking about #pyramids and then went to #atlantis and #ai. I’ll try to sum it up with my simple words so you can decide if you want to watch it too. The pyramids that we see are really just the inside structure of the pyramids. They used to have a shiny white layer on the outside. They were not made by moving huge cut stones into place, they were made by a mixture of ground limestone that was poured like concrete. The pyramids are much older than people think, they are from a previous #civilization. Our existence is not linear, but there have been many civilizations that had technology and then ended, and there were survivors sometimes from one ending to the next beginning. #Antarctica is probably the oldest, and there are still #bases there. Google maps pixelate the images now, but you used to be able to see a lot of structures on Antarctica. Our own natural biology is better than the technology globalists want to put into us. Our #cells will stop working if we replace them, ie our# immune system stops functioning because #vaccines have taken over the job. If we put AI into our #brains, those cells will stop working because they aren’t needed anymore, and then we will have lost our ability to think. We have a part of our #cell, or# DNA that is outside the cell, that connects to #divinity, and that part can shut down too. bitchute.com/video/A9SCQ1vGLvF…
AustraliaOne Party - How They Built the Pyramids
April 2023 Gregg Braden: NEW EVIDENCE! The Shocking TRUTH About How They Built The Pyramids!!BitChute
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