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Whatever it takes to bring followers over to my new account, I've failed.

So, please spread the word to my usual friends to follow me there if somehow I messed up that part of the move.

I'm having a tough time getting it right. Sorry.πŸ“’

in reply to Laffy

Don't panic yet. Sometimes it takes a day or so for everything to be transferred.
in reply to Laffy

I found your follow request and ok-ed it so you can now add me to your list as requested
in reply to Laffy

It's possible that it just may take a while as well.
in reply to Laffy

I got your follow and followed back.

It has been so long since I've moved instances, I won't speculate on how it is supposed to work, but I will say that if you have the same number of people that you follow on each instance, then those people know (or will know) that you've moved and will shortly follow back!

in reply to Edge πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

I want to welcome Laffy to Stux's servers!

I'm one of those who moved to newly created to reduce load on when it had technical trouble. That was long ago.

The migration process is slow but it happens. One will keep on seeing new followers showing up that are actually old followers being migrated.

in reply to Laffy

I remember being very careful about backing up my stuff but being confused about it. I got it right. But I wasn't that complicated.

Anyway, things get sorted out eventually. Life is not meant to be simple. :)

in reply to Barry Schwartz πŸ«–

@chemoelectric Is there a way to transfer bookmarks? I have the files, but I want them on my new bookmarks.
in reply to Laffy

@chemoelectric If you're not yet between the export/import I'm afraid they wont πŸ˜‰

Now that I think of it.. I have a feeling this is gonna be possible when the Masto team finds a way to transfer posts also since bookmarks go under that i believe

in reply to stux⚑

@stux @chemoelectric is post migration actually in the works? I saw a GitHub issue for it ages ago that had a ton of comments but I'm unsure if any development actually started, or if it was something that was even being planned for in the end.
in reply to Laffy

I wonder if we can invoke the glorious @lisamelton to work the boost magic?
in reply to Laffy

I had to move once and it was harder than expected. Don't worry, they'll find you soon. We'll make sure they do.
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@thestrangelet I can't get them to migrate. For some reason, the tool wouldn't take my password.
in reply to Laffy

The official documentation is a bit confusing; you have to do some steps in the right order.…

in reply to Laffy

They will come... Going to be a lot of suspicion (me) to receive a follow from a laffy account that doesn't have thousands of followers... please repeatedly post that you have a new instance and it will straighten out in a few days!!
in reply to Laffy

It's not an instant process it may take a few days for everyone to be updated

Check with @FediTips they can tell you what you need to do to migrate, though I think you've already done it correctly & the server is just catching up

in reply to Laffy

@FediTips It'll be the servers catching up then, don't worry for a few days

But if it doesn't sort itself out try chatting to @stux they should be able to help


in reply to StaringAtClouds has moved

Yeah, it can be very slow, it can take literally a week for some followers to follow you.

It's slow because it's not just your server doing it, the other server has to handle it.

If it doesn't work the first time though, you can try again and again until it does work. There's more info about doing it again further down the page in the guide.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@thestrangelet I don't know where the heck that is, because I had to import/export stuff
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
This is all I did when I moved to Beige.…
in reply to Laffy

It may be a dumb question but why didn’t you just migrate your account? This would move followers automatically
in reply to Fedo[T] ΒΆ

@fdrc_ff Can you be more specific? I did do that. My follows got follows from me, but I couldn't move all the followers
in reply to Laffy

I can help you migrate your followers over automatically, seems like you already added the alias on the new account so it's just a matter of initiating the move from the old one.
in reply to Laffy

when attempting to follow your new account, I received an error saying, "action not allowed." I'm sure it will be fine.
in reply to Laffy

If you are following
Then go follow her new account

Her server move may have left you behind. She did her best as she always does. Now do something nice for her and follow her on her new account. It’s easier than you think.

in reply to Laffy

It took me a day or two to get things straight. Have patience. We got you.
in reply to Laffy

I found you, but at first I thought an imposter had followed me since you were already following me.

But I figured it out eventually. I'm just slow like that sometimes!

Others will get it too, it will just take time.

#laffy #gottalaff #LaffysBigTownhouseRenovation

(You know that last tag will inform some people!)

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Laffy

Hey, you successfully brought me over! πŸ‘‹ (I was a bit confused as to the follow request at first, I thought maybe you unfollowed me by accident!) I’ve boosted this post too.
in reply to Laffy

It's as easy as 1, 1a, 1b, 2, 2a, 2b, 2c.1, 2c.2....

[Incidentally I think that might be the self-destruct auth code for the USS Enterprise.]…

in reply to Laffy

not a mutual, but whatever magic worked ok for me
in reply to Laffy

Seems to be working here but I was already on Good luck!
in reply to Laffy

Why did you move to a different server? I'm considering a move, too, so I'm interested in hearing about your experience.
in reply to Mr. Lance E Sloan (IRL) πŸ‘€

@sloanlance Mastodon . Social had so many bots/fakes, and they all decided to follow me. They tend to follow within their instance, so I thought I’d try moving to see if it helped
in reply to Laffy

Oh, gotcha! I didn't notice the bots, maybe because I'm not very interesting! πŸ˜†

I'm thinking of moving to another server because the 500-character limit is too restrictive. When I was starting out with Mastodon, I considered joining @fosstodon because I'm a developer, but at the time they had an English-only rule, which I think is unfair.

in reply to Mr. Lance E Sloan (IRL) πŸ‘€

Moments ago, I checked the @fosstodon situation again and I'm happy to learn that on 24 August 2023, their English-only rule was revoked.…

I will reconsider that server, if they allow more than 500 characters per post.

in reply to Mr. Lance E Sloan (IRL) πŸ‘€

@sloanlance You're welcome on Fosstodon, but we do have a 500 character limit, so we might not be the best choice for your needs. Drop me a DM if you want an invite.

@GottaLaff @fosstodon

in reply to Mike Stone

@mike @fosstodon
Thank you very kindly, Mike! πŸ™‚ I'll ask about it again when I'm ready to migrate.
in reply to Laffy

I just found your account and excited to be a new follower πŸ₯°
in reply to Laffy

I did nothing on my end and I'm following the new account already.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Laffy

it’s working for me. Automatically following your new account and you’re following me.
in reply to Laffy

I did migrate automatically, so perhaps it is merely timing as some have suggested. Thanks!
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@_elena Oh!!!! I haven’t checked yet! That’s great news!! The form I tried to fill out wouldn’t accept my. Password, so I thought it failed.
in reply to Laffy

You have 10x *more* followers on your new account based on what I see in my FediLab mobile.

You have 32k followers on your new account at mstdn, only 3.2k on the old account at mastodon. Seems weird, but that's what my version of your profile page says.


in reply to Laffy

I'm seeing a note that you've moved when I look at your profile, and when I click "Go to Profile" I show you as still followed. So it seems to be working.
in reply to Laffy

On an encouraging note, I’m still following you, and didn’t do a thing. It just worked. πŸ™‚
in reply to Laffy

I tried to follow you, but ice cubes seems to be stuck. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ