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As a citizen of a country which has done some really terrible things in the past, I want to remind everyone that de-platforming citizens because their government is out of control is not brave or powerful. It's like banning Muslims from your shop after a terror attack, don't do it.

In other news, I'll be looking for a new dns registrar, recommendations welcome.

LPS reshared this.

in reply to See:

I use them too. I have way too many domains to switch now, I’ll have to do so slowly as they come up for renewal. Do you have your eye on any other registrars yet or are you still looking?
in reply to Mike Rockwell

Just found out about it today, no decisions yet, but I'm a stubborn old b*stard so if it takes me a year or two to unwind my relations to the company, so be it.
in reply to See:

muslim world is decentralized, different communities have different imams with different view on islam. russian world is solid

so it's not

in reply to See:

different gradation. you could find Putin in any russian, if you dig deep enough

actually, it's easy to check. Russian Federation is still a prison for 20 big and 200 more small nations…
just ask how many of them russian citizen is ready to let go

in reply to odesa

Call me a naive American, but I choose not to classify a person based on their racial origin.

LPS reshared this.

in reply to ---> <---

I don't expect NC to target *me*, so I have plenty of time to unwind relations. But generally speaking, I would like to find one which supports BTC, even if I don't use it, I find that companies who support BTC properly understand the relationship between the state and the people.
Unknown parent

Yeah and lets be honest here, if the goal is to actually put pressure on Putin himself, we know precisely who we need to pressure. His key supporters, the Oligarchs. These are the people who will make him listen, anyone else gets arrested if they dare protest.
Unknown parent

they are not minority groups, they are nations. One of this nations tried to escape russian nazi world 6 times (for Ukraine, it is 3rd attempt), and last 2 times it been plundered by rocket artillery same as Ukraine now…
in reply to odesa

I agree that nations such as Chechnya and Ukraine should be sovereign, because Russian elites have shown their disregard for the lives of these people over and over again.
in reply to See:

I am also watching to find a new registrar. Feel free to tag me on this topic in the future