[Question] If you were buying a well-supported, software-developer #Linux laptop for work, paid for by the company, either in the UK or the USA, what would you buy?
(pls share for eyeballs and opinions)
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[Question] If you were buying a well-supported, software-developer #Linux laptop for work, paid for by the company, either in the UK or the USA, what would you buy?
(pls share for eyeballs and opinions)
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Unknown parent • • •@Linux_in_a_Bit @system76 is not "a Clevo rebrand." Clevo is their ODM. System76 works with Clevo to design a system, but Clevo keeps the rights to ship the hardware themselves. The firmware is also going to be very different, since Clevo is targeting Windows users. And obviously you can't get System76 support for Clevo boxes.
System76 was working on an in-house laptop design, but afaict it has stalled out.
in reply to popey • • •popey
in reply to bytebro • • •bytebro
in reply to popey • • •popey
in reply to bytebro • • •T
in reply to popey • • •@bytebro
I would appreciate if you could elaborate on this. I am not a fan of snap myself but by saying it is anti-consumer do you mean they do not support it? Why would it be anti-consumer if you can just install snapd?
in reply to T • • •popey
in reply to bytebro • • •@bytebro @devT Sure. Other people can do that if they want.
I don't have a problem with companies bundling whatever packages they want on their distro.
The difference comes when they actively *block* installation (just like Mint does). That is what is anti-consumer. It adds confusion to users as they have to go and find out what random file in /etc/ needs to be edited or removed, just to install some software. It's stupid.
You may disagree, that's fine. It's okay to not like things.
in reply to popey • • •popey
in reply to T • • •mica
Unknown parent • • •mica
Unknown parent • • •Hervé @ Puma - IT Services 🐧
in reply to popey • • •yes @frameworkcomputer no brainer! I have one for over a year now, laptop 13 intel i7, diy edition (customised to my needs), os free.
And transfered over my Linux Ubuntu from old Macbook pro. Never looked back, and enjoy it every day!
I'm a website builder @joomla
, designer & FLOSS enthousiast, sometimes developer & contributor 😊
I work on my own, so I cannot tell about corporate or team environment. But they seem serious for businesses
Framework for Business
in reply to Hervé @ Puma - IT Services 🐧 • • •I can chime in here a bit. We have folks buying Framework Laptops for their work needs (company laptop purchases).
This both as one off purchases and for B2B.
Questions? Just ping us here.
Matt (It's really me) Hartley
in reply to Framework • • •Bill
in reply to Framework • • •