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I want to be fair and consider opinions that sound outlandish. After all, I might be wrong! But I just read this and I agree with everyone dunking: It's bad and dumb. Let's dig in.

Trump Is Testing Our Constitut...

in reply to Evan Urquhart

According to Feldman, we have nothing to worry about on the birthright citizenship front, because he assumes he knows what's too far for this SCOTUS to enact. Wha??? In order to pass a test you have to pass it. You can't confidently predict you will and call it passed.
in reply to Evan Urquhart

This ignores the fact that due process has been removed from ICE detainees. If you can't prove you've been in the country for more than two years, you can be deported without a day in court. Experts agree, this means citizens can and will be deported "by mistake."

No court, no hearing: Trump re...

in reply to Evan Urquhart

The next para is even worse. Feldman says that Trump broke the law in firing the inspectors general without notice, says they could sue but probably won't and will just be removed either way. So, to recap, there will be no consequence for Trump breaking US law... and that's fine because Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
in reply to Evan Urquhart

Is this a liberal Harvard lawyer who believes in the rule of law? Remind me because I cannot tell by reading the words on the page.
in reply to Evan Urquhart

We're back to predicting that Trump will lose in court some day, even though today he is very definitely doing or has already done an illegal thing. There is, again, not even the hint of a suggestion that he will face any consequences for breaking the law, except by being stopped.
in reply to Evan Urquhart

Feldman predicts that Trump won't ignore court orders bc SCOTUS won't stand for it. Again, we're being told not to worry because of something Feldman believes will happen. The possibility that Trump might have no further need for SCOTUS by the time these issues got to them? Not even considered.