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Witnessing a few (organic??!!) convos between liberals lamenting how "left leaning" billionaires don't organize, and help save democracy.

Newsflash: People who pursue money to the point of becoming billionaires simply do not "lean left."

Lots of folks don't realize this because: Corporately owned media (and the PR flaks who surround billionaires)

1) are really- unlikely to explain how much a billion dollars of personal wealth is. It's an obscene amount.

2) know that spinning a stories about "heroic" billionaires protects their clients and their own jobs.

There -may- be a few left leaning ultra wealthy/millionaires...

But ALL billionaires exploit. Full stop.

Billionaires exploit in order to **climb up hierarchies of wealth.**

Both billionaires and right wingers LIKE and believe in hierarchy based living. It's really about that simple.

LPS reshared this.

in reply to CJ Paloma this is a good illustration of how obscene a billion is... (someone please repost this on something that isn't msgithub so I don't have to keep sharing this version)

reshared this

in reply to Spark Purcell (they/them)


It is a helpful way to visualize it ...

I recently saw "a million seconds is about 12 days, a billion seconds is about 31 years."

Also, just found a compilation of different ways to try to wrap minds around the differences: